Anonymous ID: 02dd50 April 27, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.8939357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9523


Mark Levin has been covering this story ever since a Westchester County woman (dr/administrator) called into his show in late March, IIRC, who confirmed she got a letter saying they nursing homes had to accept COVID patients.

Anonymous ID: 02dd50 April 27, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.8939413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9455 >>9496 >>9752 >>9903 >>9954

Stone Says FBI Recommended ‘no jail time’ If He Turned On Trump. He Refused To Lie For FBI


By Sara Carter - April 27, 2020


Longtime Trump ally Roger Stone gave an explosive interview to the Sara Carter Show Monday, revealing that the FBI had tried to pressure him on the contents of 29 phone conversations he shared with his good friend President Donald Trump during Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. He told this reporter that he refused to lie for the FBI against his friend and in the end that’s why the bureau brought erroneous charges against him that had nothing to do with their now debunked Russia probe.


Stone, who is supposed to begin his 3 year jail sentence Friday, has seen his life and that of his family turned upside down. He has lost his home, his life savings, his insurance and his ability to make an income. He said in the end, he wonders if he’ll survive his jail sentence as a 67-year-old man due to the COVID19 outbreak, while others like disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti have been released for 90 days due to the outbreak.


“On July 24th, 2019, the Mueller prosecutors offered my lawyers a deal,” said Stone. “If Stone will fess up, if he will re-characterize thirty phone conversations between myself and candidate Trump, which they had phone records of, but no tapes of. If I would correctly remember the way they wanted me to, they would recommend no jail time for me and I refused. That’s what this whole atrocity has been about.”


He described the shock when the FBI conducted a predawn raid on his home on Jan. 24, saying they terrorized his family and used an unimaginable amount of firepower, tactical vehicles and manpower brought to his home that morning. He also discussed the fact that CNN had arrived 11 minutes before the FBI raid, with cameras ready to record the incident and blast it across the globe. More importantly, he questioned why FBI Director Christopher Wray continues to obstruct the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch from obtaining internal email communications between the FBI and CNN that he says would reveal what agents tipped off cable network about the raid. He called Wray ‘nothing more’ than a Washington D.C. “swamp creature.”


“Did Christopher Wray approve this over-the-top attack on my home,” said Stone. “This question was asked by Senator Lindsey Graham. But unfortunately Senator Graham rarely follows up on his T.V. talk. We still don’t know who approved this.”


“These are the kind of tactics you would expect from the Gestapo,” said Stone, who remembers his hearing-impaired wife being forced outside in her bare feet and robe while the agents tore his house apart. “These are the kind of tactics you would expect in Soviet Russia and it all became clear what this was about and I haven’t said this in many places.”


There are similar circumstances between Stone’s case and that of National Security Advisor Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, whose case is now being investigated by St. Louis U.S. Jeff Jensen, appointed by Attorney General William Barr. Stone and Flynn were both targeted by Mueller’s prosecutors, to include Andrew Weissmann, Jeannie Rhee and others, whose political affiliations with Hillary Clinton were seen in both political donations, political affiliations and employment connections. Rhee, for example, was a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice and was also on Clinton’s legal team defending the Clinton Foundation before joining Mueller’s team.


“I was targeted for political reasons just as General Mike Flynn was the decision to prosecute me came long after Robert Mueller knew that there was no Russian collusion between any Russian entity or anyone in the Trump campaign or surrounding Donald Trump for a solid year,” said Stone. “The mainstream media CNN MSNBC The New York Times The Washington Post others The Daily Beast insisted that I would be charged by Robert Mueller for treason, for espionage, for trafficking in stolen emails for cyber crimes for campaign finance violations. And there was a constant drumbeat…I did my best to counterpunch because I was not gagged at that time and I now know that the Mueller team misrepresented the facts to several federal judges in order to get search warrants for my home my office and my apartment.”


Stone also told this reporter that Mueller’s prosecutors lied about probable cause issues telling the “judge that they had probable cause to suspect me for cybercrimes, money laundering of foreign campaign dollars, campaign finance violations, mail fraud, wire fraud and so on.” None of which was true and none of which led to his conviction for allegedly lying to Congress about his contacts with Trump administration officials, said Stone.


[too long]

Anonymous ID: 02dd50 April 27, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.8939631   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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What is this building on adjacent street?

Anonymous ID: 02dd50 April 27, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.8940009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So this is a thing…


Doctors find more cases of 'COVID toes' in dermatological registry. Here's what they learned.


Dr. Esther Freeman, director of Massachusetts General Hospital Global Health Dermatology and member of the AAD task force on COVID-19, said COVID toes are pinkish-reddish “pernio-like lesions” that can turn purple over time.