Anonymous ID: 061f2e April 27, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.8939568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9605 >>9617 >>9684 >>9752 >>9903 >>9954

De Blasio Makes His Wife Head of Coronavirus Racial Equity Task Force


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has named his wife, Chirlane McCray, to head the newly created Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity regarding the coronavirus, despite past controversy over how McCray, who is black, led the ThriveNYC initiative to address mental illness.


The task force comes in response to the high number of black Americans dying from the coronavirus, many of whom had underlying health issues.


“The economic and racial disparities that have been made so clear by this crisis, we knew about them before,” de Blasio said in a New York Post article published Sunday. “A powerful, painful exclamation point has been put on them by this crisis.”


The newspaper reported that making the city more equitable was one of de Blasio’s campaign promises before his election as mayor six years ago:


Citing her work with the ThriveNYC initiative, de Blasio revealed Sunday that first lady Chirlane McCray, a rumored contender for Brooklyn borough president, would co-chair a Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity as the city plans its eventual reopening.


New York’s poorest ZIP codes have been hardest hit by the pandemic, city data show, and minorities — many among the city’s essential workers — have died at disproportionately higher rates.


But city lawmakers on both sides of the aisle were scratching their heads over the appointment of McCray in light of her signature Thrive program, criticized as a billion-dollar money pit with a dubious record of results.


“Chirlane doesn’t have an impressive track record running task forces or agencies,” said Councilman Joe Borelli (R-SI), who has fought City Hall over Thrive’s alleged lack of help for the NYPD and cops committing suicides. “This is too serious an issue to use it as profile raiser.”


Councilman Robert Holden said in the Post report that her appointment “reeks of political calculation by the mayor to up McCray’s visibility ahead of a widely rumored run for Beep [president of the Brooklyn borough].”


“This is political,” Holden, a Democrat, said. “I wish de Blasio would stop doing this.”


“Let her win the Brooklyn borough presidency on her own merits,” Holden said, adding, “Her track record on Thrive and the statue commission hasn’t been so good.”


“Putting @NYCFirstLady in charge of the newly created task force on racial inclusion and equity is a great idea, – said No One Ever,” Councilman Eric Ulrich, a Queens Republican, tweeted on Sunday. “By the way, what ever happened to all that money for ThriveNYC?”


“The initiative has been beset for years by criticism over its 10-digit price tag and failure to make appreciable headway in helping New York’s mentally ill,” the Post reported.


The new task force will work to ensure “hardest-hit communities as well as minority- and women-owned businesses get their fair share of help as the city rebuilds from the pandemic.”


The Post reported that McCray will not receive a salary for this position.

Anonymous ID: 061f2e April 27, 2020, 1:43 p.m. No.8939586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9752 >>9903 >>9954

DC Mayor Appoints Obama’s Former NatSec Advisor Susan “Benghazi” Rice to “Reopen DC”


The Democrat Mayor of Washington, D.C., appointed Obama’s former National Security Advisor Susan Rice to “reopen DC” after issuing an authoritarian lockdown order due to the Coronavirus panic.


Mayor Muriel Bowser made the announcement on Monday.


“ReOpen DC is about working together as a community to reopen Washington, DC in a way that is safe and sustainable. Together, we will create a plan that is based in science and tailored to the needs of our community.” – Bowser said.


There are three phases of reopening:



Emergency Response – Where we are now


Stabilization – what ReopenDC will focus on, which involves relaxing restrictions but closely monitoring and quickly responding to negative metrics


Long-term Recovery – How we find a new, more resilient normal. Likely started once a vaccine is widely available


The “reopen DC” advisory group chairpersons include Lying Susan Rice and Secretary Michael Chertoff, the co-author of the Patriot Act.


Why is Susan Rice, who is best known for illegally unmasking American citizens and falsely claiming a YouTube video caused the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed 4 Americans in charge of reopening DC?

Anonymous ID: 061f2e April 27, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.8939606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9612 >>9615 >>9632 >>9635 >>9640 >>9674 >>9685 >>9694 >>9724 >>9752 >>9903 >>9954 >>9998

Top Manhattan ER Doctor Commits Suicide After Treating Coronavirus Patients


n a shocking example of the psychic toll that those fighting on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak endure, a top emergency room doctor who treated coronavirus patients at a hospital in Manhattan has committed suicide, the New York Times reports.


Dr. Lorna M. Breen, the medical director of the emergency department at New York-Presbyterian Allen Hospital, died in Virginia on Sunday, where she was staying with family, according to her father who discussed her death with the Times.


Her father said she had described to him "devastating scenes of the toll the coronavirus took on patients," the NYT reported.


"She tried to do her job, and it killed her," he said.


Breen's father, also an MD, said his daughter had contracted the virus, but had gone back to work after recuperating for about a week and a half. Then, the hospital sent her home again, but at this point her family moved to bring her back to Charlottesville, Va.


Breen, 49, had no history of mental illness, but when she last spoke with her father, she reportedly described a horrifying onslaught of patients found DOA in ambulances, all of them COVID-19 patients.


Her father asked the NYT to "make sure [Breen] is treated like a hero," since she died doing her job and protecting this country from a devastating health care epidemic.


"She was truly in the trenches of the front line," he said. "She’s a casualty just as much as anyone else who has died."


Dr. Lawrence A. Melniker, the vice chair for quality care at the NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, told the NYT that Dr. Breen was well-respected and well-liked in their hospital system.


"You don’t get to a position like that at Allen without being very talented," he said.


The coronavirus has presented unusual mental health challenges for emergency physicians throughout New York, the epicenter of the crisis in the United States. As the paper added, while ER doctors are inured to treating patients will all kinds of grisly injuries, they're not accustomed to being at risk of infection themselves, or of passing it to their colleagues.

Anonymous ID: 061f2e April 27, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.8939622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9708 >>9723 >>9752 >>9903 >>9954

AG Barr Sics Federal Prosecutors On States With 'Unconstitutional' Lockdowns


Last week, we slammed Attorney General Barr for suggesting that the DoJ might join lawsuits against states that fail to reopen fast enough. President Trump stumbled into an amazing opportunity to wash his hands of the fallout from the outbreak by delegating to the states, a politically savvy move that would allow the president to escape blame for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who will continue to succumb to the virus.


Just like Trump's tweets calling on governors to "LIBERATE" blue states from their lockdowns, Barr's comment represented an unnecessary intrusion of the federal government into the business of reopening the country, something that Trump had explicitly left to the states.


But now, as more American question the necessity of the ongoing lockdowns, Barr has published a memo directing federal prosecutors to look into state directives that could be violating constitutional rights and civil liberties."


Of course, since the Constitution protects individual liberty as sacrosanct, we suspect that every state that has been strictly enforcing its lockdown measures with strict fines - something that California Gov Gavin Newsom has threatened to do if residents continue to flout social distancing guidelines at the beach.


In the memo, Barr says "I am directing each of our United States Attorneys to also be on the lookout for state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens."


Of course, now that New York, the hardest hit state in the country, has said it plans to start reopening parts of the state on May 15, it's going to be increasingly difficult - politically speaking - for governors to drag their feet on releasing their strategies, including specific dates, for much longer.