Anonymous ID: 0fcc48 April 27, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.8939298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9320

>>8938996 lb

>>8939188 lb

>>8939169 lb

One further quick tutorial, as requested re: interference of waveforms


Is it Possible to Cancel Out a Wave?


Quick answer: Yes.


How: By interfering it with an equal and opposite wave.


What is meant by "equal and opposite"?


Take a wave form and invert it: where the original wave goes up, the inverted wave goes down.

If the original wave has a peak of +5 volts, the inverted wave has a trough of -5 volts at the same exact moment.

The +5 and -5 add together. The result is 0 volts (at that moment).


The principle has been used in noise-cancelling headphones, and in making quieter aircraft and cars. It became feasible with the advent of microprocessors and digital signal processors. In very simplified form it works something like this:


Place a microphone into a noisy environment.

Digitize the audio stream recorded by the mic.

Convert the positive numbers into negative numbers.

Play the result through a loudspeaker at the correct amplitude (volume).

The inverted wave cancels out the input wave.


The same can be done with EM waves such as radio waves.


You may have experienced this at home. If you ever set up a stereo system and hooked up one of the speakers backwards (reversed + and - polarity of the wiring) you will notice weird nulls in the room where the sound from the left speaker cancels out the sound from the right speaker. If you fix the + and - polarity, these strange nulls within the acoustic space are fixed.

Anonymous ID: 0fcc48 April 27, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.8939388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9400 >>9424


Guess I'd better translate out loud as I go.

High school Latin was a lifetime ago.

Mission patch from >>8939085 LB


melior diabolus quem scies

better the devil you know…


Web search confirms translation.

This patch for NROL-49 depicts a phoenix rising from the flames with the flag of the United States in the background. The Latin words "Melior Diabolus Quem Scies" roughly translates to mean "The Devil You Know," as in the phrase "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know". Cryptic.

Anonymous ID: 0fcc48 April 27, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.8939425   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Yes anon. Ever wonder why the cycle doesn't stop.

Because [they] don't want it to stop.

The cycle of inferior products with planned obsolescence is not only very profitable, but it also serves to control the masses.


As Q said, by keeping everybody heads-down doing jobs they hate, the majority are left with no time, energy, or inclination to research deeply or think about WHY their life was set up to be that way. Keeping the population under constant stress is an effective control mechanism. Then when they get home from "work" tired and stressed, eat a crappy microwaved dinner and have a few drinks or drugs, the narrative on the TV (and all entertainment media) is even more effective at brainwashing and enforcing the control regimen.

Anonymous ID: 0fcc48 April 27, 2020, 2:24 p.m. No.8939992   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You have way more than you. Focus will be key in the next [6].

You have anon's attention and if you direct the focus, anon will try to do what is requested.