Anonymous ID: 9c5215 April 27, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.8939393   🗄️.is đź”—kun


well sudden loss of paychecks and closure of meat factories will help the country slim down. Most folks could stand to lose a few pounds… some, a lot of pounds.


So by slimming down we become resistant to CCPvirus. Perfect.

Anonymous ID: 9c5215 April 27, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.8939600   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Dedicated "Patriots Running for Political Office" Board:




From now to November, there is a likelihood that many current city and state politicians will be stepping down due to scandal, illness, and other reasons they refuse to specify. It's time to get our act together and fill those vacancies with Patriot Anons of Kekistan. If we fail to do this, they will just be filled with more swamp critters.


Many Patriot Anons meet their state/local legal and constitutional requirements to run for office, and have physical health and mental toughness to hold down these jobs. Most importantly, they have their values in the right place. I'd like for those Patriot Anons to give serious thought to running this autumn for a downballot position.


City councilman, comptroller, treasurer, auditor, commissioner of agriculture/labor/insurance etc., governor's and executive councils, boards of education…. these are the positions I'm talking about.


Other Patriot Anons don't meet the requirements for office, or are too old/sick or perhaps just don't have an aptitude for politics. That's no problem as these anons can still do much to help get their fellow anons elected.


Ever notice how anons always seem to flip those twatter polls? That's just an indication of the organizational strength of Kekistan. What was impossible for us to do in the 2018 elections will now be possible due to the cleansing effects of The Storm.


I am speaking mainly to U.S. Patriot Anons but if you're in Oz or the UK or Europe or elsewhere, there may well be something similar you could do in your country.


Normies are already starting to realize that anons had a lot of shit figured out long before the unwashed masses did. In their eyes, we are slowly morphing from wacko conspiracy theorists into something like wise counselors, learned sages, who knows, maybe even prophets.


Maybe you have lost your job in the Crown Virus Scamdemic. If so, perhaps your next job could be in public office. Patriot Anons, more than anyone, know what needs to be done.


Jim Watkins has pointed the way by helping to create the Disarm the Deep State Super PAC. Whether anons' campaigns associate themselves with that PAC or not makes little difference to me, but give it a thought and hopefully Jim and the other DDS Bigwigs will do the same.

Anonymous ID: 9c5215 April 27, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.8939700   🗄️.is đź”—kun


In 1985 a stockbroker swore to me that the Dow could never reach 2,000 in our lifetime. 'Twould be downright impossible, as corporate earnings statements would never support that level.


We were doomed to live our days with the Dow bouncing between 500 and 1500…


Anyway last I checked he's no longer a stockbroker.