Anonymous ID: b726d4 April 27, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.8939401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9891

>>8939240 Lefty shitholes are shitholes because the brain dead have installed similar brain dead asswipes into power for 2 generations. Now they sit in their shitholes, wearing masks because their masters say so, recirculating any pathogen in their lungs. Trump tells them how to avoid the already overhyped "thing," and they call him Orange Man. Okay, fine. The people who tell themselves DJT is incompetent wouldn't care (literally) if he walked on the water and then fed the multitude. Winning. Let the adherents of the losing timeline twist in angst, as the 4 space battle is partially visible in 3 space, at the seam. Watch DJT lay out the reopening sequence this evening. What the hell else is he supposed to do, hmmmmmmmm? POTUS & Team have handled a terrible, terrible situation with decisive elegance, and are winning big time.