Anonymous ID: f45a0b April 27, 2020, 2:18 p.m. No.8939923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9968

[critical thinking exercise; hypothetical, not speculative conjecture]


If Fauci was the first arrest, would that trigger a mass awakening?


If Fauci was the first arrest, would Trump position himself closely to the man, leading up to it? (Optics)


If Fauci was the first arrest, would Trump publically attack him before the arrest? Or would he play nice to appear as an ally for Fauci?


If Fauci was the first arrest, would Q try to mislead the enemy? (Misdirection)




Push Bill Gates on the board?


KJU dead?


War on Cartels? (Trump "distracted?")


Be a Fauci cheerleader?


Take Fauci advise? (Shut down)


Let Fauci drag things out for a bit? ("Enough rope to hang himself?")


Just some fun, while we wait. But an important exercise to implement when trying to predict (and anticipate) what may or may not occur.