Anonymous ID: fb69ee April 27, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.8939937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Someone was said last night in response to the following article that I believe was one of the most important things said last night.


The article:

"Sealed Indictment Issued on Dr. Fauci – Exclusive" Monday, April 20, 2020 23:57


Another related article:

"WHO, CDC & Gates Foundation Defunded Because of Vaccine Fraud" April 24, 2020 ~ C-VINE Reporting: Bonnie Nirgude’ with Linda Forsythe; Vetted for Accuracy, Marc Anthony Boyer


Both articles were short on sauce; but from what I've seen, they ring true.


The reaction I thought was so important: >>8934108 (pb)

"By definition, no one would be able to verify the sealed indictment. Article says "sources familiar" or some such. Doubt we will see anything else on this.

That being said, the sauce we have on many government actors in the medical sector selling Americans out to big pharma is huge.

More than just the likes of Fauci should be prosecuted and locked up for their crimes.

Crimes of commission. (Tainted vaccines, spraying the population with test molecules, intentional creation of bioweapons then released, treating our military like guinea pigs, etc)

Crimes of omission. (Hiding cures, arresting medical professionals for the discovery of cures, making use of the word cure against the law, jailing people for educating others about the new science on natural ancient cures and medicines, threatening MD's for talking about cures they do not want the public to know about, taking bribes from Big International Pharma, destroying small pharmacy companies that discover cures, Shelving patents for cures so no one can use them etc etc)"


I believe that if Pres. Trump is appearing to cooperate, it is because what is coming is so big that the rest of us must see it for what it is so that we can accept it. Many of us here already know the back story. And yet, when we try to share it, we are called "conspiracy theorists." People have to see it for themselves. The second article above is particularly important.


The job here is to get people to wake up enough so that they can say, "No, I do not consent!" And if we fail to do this, then we face the prospect being infiltrated with soul-suppressing tech that will turn us into a Borg at the command of whoever is at the helm of it, removing from us the essence that makes us human. This, we cannot allow.


We're going to need some better sauce for those articles.