Anonymous ID: 61bb44 April 27, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.8940351   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Freddy as per usual..You're a FKing IDIOT…..Stop talking/Posting BULLSHIT ….like a Fool You Are..kekek…You're giving Toots a bad name …kekekek


No wonder why he ran away from home..


As a Director, Clinton Moved Wal-Mart Board, but Only So Far


In 1990, Hillary Rodham Clinton was the only woman on the board at Wal-Mart, a company based in Arkansas, where she was first lady.


May 20, 2007


In 1986, Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, had a problem. He was under growing pressure from shareholders — and his wife, Helen — to appoint a woman to the company’s 15-member board of directors.


So Mr. Walton turned to a young lawyer who just happened to be married to the governor of Arkansas, where Wal-Mart is based: Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Mrs. Clinton’s six-year tenure as a director of Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest company, remains a little known chapter in her closely scrutinized career. And it is little known for a reason. Mrs. Clinton rarely, if ever, discusses it, leaving her board membership out of her speeches and off her campaign Web site.


Fellow board members and company executives, who have not spoken publicly about her role at Wal-Mart, say Mrs. Clinton used her position to champion personal causes, like the need for more women in management and a comprehensive environmental program, despite being Wal-Mart’s only female director, the youngest and arguably the least experienced in business. On other topics, like Wal-Mart’s vehement anti-unionism, for example, she was largely silent, they said.

Anonymous ID: 61bb44 April 27, 2020, 2:59 p.m. No.8940443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0468 >>0493

Wait, how long are we supposed to stay in lockdown?


What are we waiting for? The question can be posed in either a wild, irresponsible way — or a sane, measured way. In New York, our “pause” will continue until at least May 15, and New Yorkers are asking, in a measured, sane way: What exactly are we waiting for?


In the beginning, we had a goal: to flatten the curve. We were warned that COVID-19 would overtake our hospitals and cause a health-system collapse. We were to stay home to give our medical heroes a fighting chance.


So we did, and thanks to the strength of our system, it worked. The Javits Center never filled up; the USS Comfort is sailing away. Three weeks ago, Gov. Andrew Cuomo was vowing to seize ventilators from upstate hospitals and send them to Gotham. Last week, we were dispatching our ventilators out to other states.

Anonymous ID: 61bb44 April 27, 2020, 3:19 p.m. No.8940708   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Superior language skills underpin the ability to detect the language anomalies which comprise comms


What happens if you're from the Baltic states ..and Engggggglish is your 5th language…But yet…. you wanna participate in a image board where people only Speak/Type/Grammar in engggggggish …Just an Example….Ask Trumps wife…Stop being so critical ..Not writing a FKing Dissertation here …Opppp sowwy..kekekek

Anonymous ID: 61bb44 April 27, 2020, 3:25 p.m. No.8940780   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What pandemic? German minister blasted for wearing NO MASK to receive Covid-19 supplies AND flouting social distancing rules


Germany’s defense minister seems to have missed the memo on ‘social distancing’ and compulsory mask-wearing, showing up to receive a shipment of pandemic supplies wearing nothing on her face but a smile, prompting ridicule online.


Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer appeared at Leipzig/Halle Airport on Monday, flanked by aides and army personnel (in surprisingly close proximity) and surrounded by a huddle of tightly-packed reporters — almost as if there was no global pandemic to be worried about.


AKK (as she is known in Germany) was there to greet the Bundeswehr-chartered Antonov An-225 cargo plane as it touched down with over 10 million face masks on board. The delivery was part of a mammoth package of supplies arriving from China this week, which has received extensive coverage in the German media and was intended to showcase the army’s role in battling the Covid-19 outbreak.


However, Kramp-Karrenbauer’s maskless face attracted more attention online than the military’s PR exercise. Protective face coverings on public transport or while shopping became compulsory in almost every German state as of Monday. Social distancing is also being preached, and has been for quite a while now — but it seems that word of the new rules and the government’s own advice may not be spreading as fast as the virus.


It wasn’t only AKK who failed at following the Covid-19 guidelines; the majority of aides, other officials and army personnel standing behind her were also not wearing masks. As for the reporters swarming the minister, only a few had them — and none appeared to be particularly interested in social distancing, either.


It wasn’t long before German netizens began ridiculing the minister for the easily preventable blunder. “I support your policy, but if you can't stick to it yourself…,” one Twitter user wrote.