Anonymous ID: 6c68ce April 27, 2020, 2:48 p.m. No.8940259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0455 >>0541 >>0614 >>0717

Johns Hopkins University Covid-19 Update


Updated Johns Hopkins Univ Covid-19 data for April 26, 2020


1st chart:

JSU ranked data by total deaths

calced death rates


2nd chart:

ranked nations by deaths/positive cases per 1st chart

USA ranked 10

San Marino and Andorra are anomalies due to tiny populations


3rd chart:

ranked nations from JHU data April 15


By the numbers, a nationalized healthcare system does not mean better or faster




Johns Hopkins Univ covid-19 stats


world population stats 2020


4th Chart CDC Weekly Pneumonia and Influenza Mortality Data up to Week 16 (April 18)

posted total deaths

posted pneumonia deaths

(influenza only data available)


CDC Weekly Influenza Webpage

data spreadsheet