Anonymous ID: f60f96 April 27, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.8940350   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0402 >>0434 >>0641

Judge Sullivan – Who Previously Accused Gen. Flynn of Treason – Will File His Response to Flynn’s Motion to on Monday May 4


“Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo reported Sunday evening that according to her sources, General Flynn will be “completely exonerated this week.”


“Breaking News: sources tell me General Flynn will be completely exonerated this week. It was a total fraud. A Set up. More tomorrow,” Maria Bartiromo said in a tweet Sunday night.


On Friday, the government finally released Brady documents in General Mike Flynn’s case showing he committed no crimes.


Attorney Sidney Powell has been fighting to get her hands on the Brady Material since she took over the case.


The documents are filed under seal, but attorney Sidney Powell said it reveals Flynn did not commit any crimes.


Powell also said that the documents produced found further misconduct by Mueller’s thug prosecutor Brandon Van Grack specifically.


General Flynn was set up by Obama’s Deep State crooks.


Following the release of the exculpatory documents Attorney Sidney Powell filed a motion to dismiss ALL CHARGES against the former Trump National Security Advisor.


On Monday Catherine Herridge from CBS News announced Judge Sullivan will file a response to General Flynn’s request on Monday, May 4th.


In December 2018 Judge Emmet Sullivan accused General Flynn from committing treason. It was a shameful display.

Maybe it’s time Judge Sullivan offers General Flynn an apology?

Anonymous ID: f60f96 April 27, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.8940394   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Man And Woman Charged With Production Of Child Porn


ROCHESTER, N.Y. – U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced today that James Oliver Young, 51, of Rochester, NY, was arrested and charged by criminal complaint with enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity and production of child pornography. The charges carry a mandatory minimum penalty of 15 years in prison, and a maximum of life. In addition, Rebecca Wilson, 30, also of Rochester, NY, was also charged with production of child pornography in a separate complaint. Wilson faces a mandatory minimum penalty of 15 years in prison and a maximum of 30 years.


Assistant U.S. Attorney Melissa M. Marangola, who is handling the case, stated that the according to the complaints filed against Young and Wilson, on April 17, 2020, the New York State Police received information from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) that an “Ollie Young” was communicating with a 10-year-old female, Minor Victim (MV1), in Rochester through private messages on Facebook. It appeared that “Ollie Young” was attempting to entice MV1 to produce and send apparent child exploitation images as well as engage in sexual activity. “Ollie Young” was later identified as defendant Young. Subsequent investigation determined that Young and Wilson allegedly had sexual relations with MV1 on multiple occasions.


On April 18, 2020, New York State Police executed a search warrant and seized multiple devices, including two cell phones belonging to Wilson. Investigators located multiple videos depicting child pornography involving a five-year-old boy, Minor Victim 2 (MV2).


The defendants made an initial appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark W. Pedersen and are being detained.


The complaints are the result of an investigation by the New York State Police, under the direction of Major Eric Laughton, and Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the direction of Special Agent-in-Charge Gary Loeffert.

Anonymous ID: f60f96 April 27, 2020, 3 p.m. No.8940461   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0541 >>0717

Now Twitter CENSORS Bio-Tech Conmpany’s UV Light Treatment Research After Trump Touted It


YouTube banned the company’s video last week.


Following in lockstep with YouTube, Twitter suspended the account of a Colorado biotech company which is working to develop a potential coronavirus treatment using UV light inserted into the lungs. It appears that both social media sites have censored the legitimate research purely because President Trump mentioned it.


AYTU BioScience, which is a publicly traded biotech company, has been working with world-renowned research and clinical care organisation Cedars-Sinai to test the revolutionary treatment.


According to a recent press release, Aytu’s “Healight” is a medical device which administers intermittent ultraviolet (UV-A) light inside a patient’s trachea, which has the “potential to positively impact outcomes for critically ill patients infected with coronavirus and severe respiratory infections.”


AYTU is specifically working with the Medically Associated Science and Technology (MAST) team at Cedars-Sinai medical center.


The Department of Homeland Security’s head of Science and Technology, Bill Bryan, also spoke last week about the potential for the UV light treatment to have a significant affect on viruses such as COVID-19.


When Trump mentioned the research, however, it suddenly became a dangerous unproven risk that needs to be banned, because… Orange man is bad.


First YouTube banned the company. Now Twitter has followed suit:

Anonymous ID: f60f96 April 27, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.8940498   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0565 >>0570

Physicist: Universe May Be a “Strange Loop” of Self-Simulating Consciousness


When it comes to cosmology, astronomy, and physics, there is no shortage of off-the-wall arguments and hypotheses. While new discoveries from the early moments of the Big Bang and quantum and particle physics continue to amaze us and fill in the gaps of our mysterious universe, there remains a stunning number of fundamental questions we still can’t answer.


The most fundamental of these questions revolve around “why anything” and “why consciousness.” Why is there anything here at all? What primal state of existence could have possibly birthed all that matter, energy, and time, all that everything? And how did consciousness arise—is it some fundamental proto-state of the universe itself, or an emergent phenomenon that is purely neurochemical and material in nature?


A new physics hypothesis attempts to answer both questions at the same time with a new spin on panpsychism that weds aspects of Nick Bostrom’s Simulation Argument with something called “timeless emergentism.” The hypothesis, outlined in a new paper by a team of researchers at Quantum Gravity Research, is called the “panpsychic self-simulation model,” and while the authors certainly aren’t earning any points for intellectual modesty, their idea may just be capable of peacefully mapping some of the universe’s most wild conundrums.


The first pieces of this puzzle you may have already heard of: the Simulation Argument is a pop-culture staple now, most famously popularized when Elon Musk claimed it’s far more likely that we are living in a simulation created by an advanced intelligence. Then there is the age-old belief in panpsychism, which posits that the entire universe is a type of panconscious entity and that even ordinary matter is imbued with proto-consciousness.


The new argument gets rid of the middleman and suggests that panconsciousness itself is generating the simulations, not advanced aliens, and that the universe is one giant “mental self-simulation.”


The paper, titled “The Self-Simulation Hypothesis Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,” says the physical universe is a “strange loop” that can self-generate new sub-realities in an almost infinite hierarchy of tiers in-laid with simulated realities of conscious experience, kind of like a psychic Matryoshka doll.


You’re still left with the mystery of the physical origins of this self-generating consciousness, to which the researchers reply that the answer is actually non-material. The paper argues that universal consciousness “self-actualizes” using a natural algorithm called “the principle of efficient language.”


In other words, the universe is creating itself through thought, willing itself into existence on a perpetual loop that efficiently uses all mathematics and fundamental particles at its disposal.


The universe, they say, was always here (timeless emergentism) and is like one grand thought that creates mini thoughts, called “code-steps or actions”), again like a Matryoshka doll.

Anonymous ID: f60f96 April 27, 2020, 3:08 p.m. No.8940586   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0624 >>0629

Rapper DMX holds online Bible study, asks people to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior


Doing the Lord's work


Rapper DMX — real name Earl Simmons — recently held a live online Bible study to help his fans connect with Christianity.


He also held a virtual altar call to encourage fans to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

What are the details?


Simmons held the study via Instagram Live on Friday.


According to reports, more than 14,000 Instagram users viewed the Friday broadcast.


Simmons cited Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, which says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."


He used the COVID-19 pandemic to point people toward God.


"God is giving you the time," he said. "He's giving you the time to get closer to Him, to become familiar with Him. At the end of the day, at the beginning of the day, it's going to be God's will. If you try to understand why He does what He does, you're just going to end up with a headache. Just do the right thing."


The rapper also added, "The word says my people perish for lack of knowledge. Perish is not always dying. It's being lost, not being found, not being able to be found."

Anonymous ID: f60f96 April 27, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.8940613   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0661 >>0720

Bill Gates praised China's COVID response, trashed America's, then had his words immediately used by Chinese propagandists


Whose side is he on?


Billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates recently defended the communist Chinese government's response to the coronavirus pandemic, arguing that they "did a lot of things right at the beginning." As for America's response to the virus — he said that it was "particularly poor."


His stunning comments came during an interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN Sunday.

What did he say?


"How would you respond to the charge that the Chinese covered this up, they essentially deceived the rest of the world, and as a result, they should be held in someway responsible for this?" Zakaria asked Gates during the interview.


"Well, I don't think that's a timely thing because it doesn't affect how we act today. China did a lot of things right at the beginning," Gates said in response. "Like any country where a virus first shows up, they can look back and see where they missed some things."

Anonymous ID: f60f96 April 27, 2020, 3:14 p.m. No.8940645   🗄️.is đź”—kun

US occupation transport another patch of Daesh terrorists from Hasaka to Iraq


Hasaka, SANA – Sources in Hasaka said on Monday that the US occupation forces transported a number of Daesh (ISIS) terrorists from al-Shadadi city to Iraq.


The local sources told SANA’s reporter that 6 vehicles belonging to the US occupation forces entered al-Shadadi on Monday morning, coming from the Syrian-Iraqi borders to the east, and after a few hours they left the city accompanied by choppers, heading east towards Iraq with a number of Daesh terrorists on board.