old news and not disclosure.
if ppl committed treason in our govt, would the plandemic stop those trials?
my question is why US taxpayer money went to chink labs when I knwo very talented PHD s in bio who go begging for research money? Why wasn't the research done in the USA? Who makes those decisions and who audits the money trail and who audits the auditors? Who is repsonsible to the taxpayer?
I am so sick and tired of this shit. Really, getting sick and tired. Sick and tired have having no power to do anything about because elected officials will not give you the time of day unless you buy access.
CV isbio chemical warfare on the US (and the world) launched by the Chinese, but funded by the US taxpayer. Is that making you sick now?
IDK about her looks, I care she can't balance her checkbook and lives wildly outside her means.
The plandemic is about the election.
The plandemic is about the election.
The plandemic is about the election.
The plandemic is about the election.
The plandemic is about the election.
The plandemic is about the election.
and breaking the US economy for 1 world govt
and getting ID2020.
ID 2020 is need to force crypto so every transaction gets a fee, they can control access to your credits, and can track everr transaction.
Abrams is the new Maxine because Shelia isn't getting invited tot he Bilderberg meetings.