Well known that CIA is the biggest drug dealers/importers make millions off it.
Just search Mena Arkansas, very very well know during the Clinton years, but they've been importing drugs from every area we had war. since Korea.
Well known that CIA is the biggest drug dealers/importers make millions off it.
Just search Mena Arkansas, very very well know during the Clinton years, but they've been importing drugs from every area we had war. since Korea.
Chrislam, will be the Mystery babylon Religion a merger of Catholicism and Islam, after all Catholicism is the bastardization of "The Way" as the first century christians call it.
This will bring in the Islamic hoards to accept the pope as a leader, and add in all the paganism of Nimrod/Ishtar/Tamos worship from the days of Babylon, and yes Catholics practice it, Queen of Heaven, to them Mary, but there is no Queen of Heaven.
Regardless this will come to fruition as written in Revelation.
Enough is Enough…
Anon peter did not found the Catholic church, Simon founded it the man who tried to buy the Holy spirit from Paul.
Remember paul was the apostle to the Gentiles not Peter…
Cathocism religion is a lie.
Merger of pagan Roman beliefs combined into a bastardization of christianity.