LeaderShip Team, do we have a dedicated Catholic Church & Epstein Island threads??
I don't see any, and I think that would REALLY help the Movement. I noticed some obvious newbie type Catholics (Hi NewbCatholicFags, glad to have you, welcome) posts in the previous threads, and I think we ideally would have a thread dedicated to this and Epstein Island.
Those who put together the 666 thread knocked it out of the fucking park with THAT thread (huge props to all) and I hold that as the standard for us now.
That said, I can't figure out for the life of me figure out how to put this together the way the TalentedFags do e.g. The "666 5th Ave" can. I've tried and the shit sucks.
Can we possibly round up some talented thread builder fags to put the frameworks up?? I'd be happy to go back 10+ threads and collect as many links as I can to drop, and if we team up, I bet we can have some thriving threads up Quick!! I'm not talented, but I'm good with tedium.