187 = Police code for homicide
think: murders happening on the site/island
Reading comprehension
>Man is crazy to do something a woman does not want
is not what I said. I CLEARLY said
>men do as women request as well in real life when the cooperation is 50/50
RE_READ, your argument has no basis when my statements are misread
>Haven’t you ever heard the phrase “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. I am only telling you this for your own PROTECTION. If there is a disagreement do not, I repeat do not go forward till you have her full agreement. Women can circle back and torture you in ways you can not even imagine. If fact women often lead men, even when men do not want to do something as they consciously or unconsciously know this. This is why women have to be extra careful and responsible with the power the better
And everything else that you said, is REALLY cuckish. I smell feminism.
Wide awake! Plan B's are in effect. They keep us afraid, dying early, living in the most unhealthy manners conceived, all from their need to maintain control AT ALL COSTS. Once they lose control, they are at the mercy of WE THE PEOPLE, and they know it!
Any medicine, whether it's marijuana, morphine, or OTC taken improperly is harmful when not used with discretion. Alcohol is harmful to the young as well, which is why there's a legal age limit of 21 & up.
What's the lesson in the Adam & Eve story? When man knows better, man should say no and not be swayed by woman's irrationality. AND vice versa, when woman knows better, woman should not be swayed by man's irrationality.
Men have emotions, but aren't (usually) dominated by it. Primarily logical. Women have logic, but aren't (Usually) dominated by it. Primarily emotional. Both logic AND emotion are needed in both genders in varying degrees. HOWEVER…Should logic lead, or should emotion lead? Decisions based on emotion, usually turn out BAD (women's intuition not included, only irrational emotion-based decisions).
In the moment, whoever has the most rational,logical solution, be it man or woman, should take the wheel.