Anonymous ID: 1b38a3 April 27, 2020, 9:16 p.m. No.8944354   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California Doctors Go on Ingraham Angle, Challenge Official COVID Policy — YOUTUBE THEN TAKES DOWN THEIR VIDEOS!


On Saturday two California doctors of Immunology went on with KIRO News 23 in California and made a video disputing the official state coronavirus policy in California.


Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi said their facilities have tested over 5,200 patients for the coronavirus throughout the county, making up for over half of all testing in Kern County. According to their data, the death rate of the coronavirus is similar in prevalence to the flu. And they believe only the sick and elderly should be quarantined and that businesses should open. They also revealed that the state of California is pressuring doctors to pad the COVID-19 numbers.


The KIRO videos went viral!


We reported on this story on Saturday.


On Monday night the two California doctors went on The Ingraham Angle with Laura Ingraham to discuss their expertise and challenge the official state narrative on the coronavirus.


Following their appearance on the show their videos were removed from Google-YouTube!

They did not pass official WHO policy.



Anonymous ID: 1b38a3 April 27, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.8944365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4390

Kamala Harris: 2020 Election About ‘Whether We Live or Die’


Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) on Monday said during a Biden campaign virtual town hall that this November’s presidential election is about “whether we live or die.”


A partial transcript is as follows:


SYMONE SANDERS: Vice President Biden believes this is an issue we can’t talk enough about. We know that the coronavirus does not discriminate onto how it affects people. But it is a virus that dispositionally is killing people of color; Black people, Latino folks, Indigenous, Native American, Native Pacific Island folks, in this country and that is why it’s important to not only have this conversation, but to get to very substantive solutions that Vice President Biden is committed to finding.


I’m going to give the final word to our illustrious leader of this call today, Senator Harris. Senator you have been just beating the drum on this issue, on election protection for this fall, on holding the Trump administration accountable, so we say thank you for your voice and work.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS: Elections matter. Elected leaders we’ve seen at this moment in this crisis, depending on who it is, we’ve seen leaders like [Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms] or [San Francisco Mayor London Breed]. We’ve seen the leadership at people will take on because they know the people. The people rely on them. And elections matter. We have seen a president in Donald Trump who lies to the American people, who does not embrace truth or speak truth, someone who is obviously so much more concerned about himself than the people he represents. We’ve seen a failure of leadership that’s resulted in great damage to our country.


The pandemic is not over, it’s going to go on for a little while. I cannot stress enough to folks — I’m here in D.C. so I see this stuff right up close — who occupies that seat in the White House really matters. This election in November is going to determine so many things about our future and it’s literally going to be about our health and whether we live or die, the state of our economy and whether we have a job… it’s going to determine where we will be for future generations and it’s going to determine it quite immediately.

Anonymous ID: 1b38a3 April 27, 2020, 9:19 p.m. No.8944381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4386 >>4395 >>4398 >>4407 >>4411 >>4414 >>4426

Howard Stern says he's 'all in' for Biden — and tells Trump supporters to drink bleach and die


'All take disinfectant and all drop dead'


Talk radio icon Howard Stern declared that he is "all in" for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, and then added that he wanted Trump supporters to drink bleach and die.


Stern made the comments on his SiriusXM show after criticizing President Donald Trump for pondering aloud during a coronavirus task force media briefing if disinfectant or ultraviolet light could be used to combat the pandemic. He later said he was being sarcastic.


"What's it going to take? I don't get it," Stern said about Trump's comments. "I don't think there is anyone left who will vote for him."


He made his endorsement later in the show.


"I am all in on Joe Biden," said Stern.


"You see the wall that's right next to you, I'll vote for the wall over a guy who tells me that I should pour Clorox into my mouth. Listen, I think we are in deep s**t. I think we could have been ahead of this curve," he added.


"I would love it if Donald would get on TV and take an injection of Clorox and let's see if his theory works. Hold a big rally, say f**k this coronavirus, with all of his followers, and let them hug each other and kiss each other and have a big rally," Stern continued.


"And all take disinfectant and all drop dead," he added.


Stern has said previously that he helped Trump win the presidency in 2016 by having him on his talk show. But he added that he was rooting for Hillary Clinton to win. He also claimed that Trump asked for his endorsement and Stern refused.

Here's more of Stern talking Trump:

Anonymous ID: 1b38a3 April 27, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.8944399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4417 >>4461

Dossier Author Christopher Steele Had Previously Undisclosed Meetings with Perkins Coie Lawyers, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign


Dossier author Christopher Steele had previously undisclosed meetings with DNC lawyers and Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


Steele disclosed during a testimony that he met with Perkins Coie partners Michael Sussmann and Marc Elias during the 2016 election.


Steele testified that Michael Sussmann tipped him off to the now-debunked claim that Russian Alfa Bank was secretly communicating with Trump Organization servers.


Steele made the statements during a testimony last month in a defamation lawsuit filed by Russian Alfa Bank.


Via Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller:


A lawyer representing the DNC and Clinton campaign provided Christopher Steele with information in 2016 regarding an alleged secret communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, the former spy told a British court last month.


That now-debunked tip, from Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussmann, set off a chain of events that led to Steele publishing a Sept. 14, 2016 memo accusing the founders of the bank, Alfa Bank, of having “illicit” ties to Vladimir Putin. A week after Steele wrote that memo, he had another meeting with Sussmann’s colleague, Marc Elias.


Steele disclosed the previously unreported meetings with Sussmann and Elias during testimony in a defamation lawsuit filed against him by the Alfa Bank founders, according to a court transcript obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.


Steele’s testimony about Sussmann and Elias provides insight into how deeply involved the two lawyers were in the Trump investigation, and suggests they helped shape Steele’s investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election.


[Steele] revealed that Sussmann, a former Justice Department official, told him during a meeting on July 29, 2016 about suspicious network traffic between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. He also said that the theory about the computer server traffic was the catalyst for the dossier memo he would write six weeks later about Alfa Bank.


Recall, Hillary Clinton tweeted out the now-debunked Slate article on October 31, 2016.


“It’s time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia,” Hillary said in a tweet linking to the garbage Slate article about the Russian Alfa Bank.


!)Donald Trump has a secret server. (Yes, Donald Trump)


2) It was set up to communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank called Alfa Bank.


3)When a reporter asked about it, they shut it down.


Christopher Steele compiled over a dozen memos alleging the Russians had blackmail on Trump and that his associates were conspiring with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election.

Anonymous ID: 1b38a3 April 27, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.8944428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4605

Aussie Sheeple


Meek in a crisis: Rush to download reveals true Australian character


The rush by more than two million Australians to download the government’s COVID tracking app confirms what social researchers have long understood; for a nation of self-identifying rebels, we are meekly compliant when it matters.


Whenever asked, most Australians will tell you they don’t trust politicians, don’t trust government and particularly, don’t trust government to keep their personal data safe.


Yet, when invited by politicians to download an app designed by government to gather personal information about our social interactions, only Twitter cranks and contrarians have publicly demurred.


"We are extraordinarily compliant," says Rebecca Huntley of social researchers Vox Populi.


"A stark example of our compliance is that, at a time of great and increasing cynicism about politicians and politics and a declining belief in the value of our vote, we have more people than ever on the electoral roll and no significant incline in informal voting.


"That is not a bad thing. The compliance of the Australian community – when they believe in the social good of the thing that requires compliance – is actually really powerful. We see it in response to drought and water restrictions and we see it in response to something like this."


Not everyone supports COVIDSafe, a mobile phone app which stores details of the people we come into close contact with.


Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce has declared he won’t download it and has warned his government against pushing ordinary Australians "too far" in its campaign to suppress the virus. He has found an unlikely ally in feminist author Naomi Wolf, who tweeted this week that downloading the app was a "bad idea".


However, it is backed across the mainstream political divide, with leading Labor figures Tanya Plibersek and Daniel Andrews each declaring they'd signed their families up within hours of the app being launched.


For COVIDSafe to be effective in stopping the spread of the virus, it needs to be downloaded by about 40 per cent of the population. Its success or otherwise will provide an opportunity for social researchers to analyse what we do, rather than what we say, when it comes to trusting government in a crisis.