Anonymous ID: b2c4fb April 27, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.8944266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8943258 PB

That Craft, Prophecies, Super Soldiers, DNA mixing, and the Case Western Reserve Constitutional brief (PDF RELATED)


Nothing in the "craft" that can move at those speeds. They suddenly make turns at speeds that would physically smash anything/anyone who was an actual physical mass, against a wall inside the craft.

These craft appear to disregard classic physics, and opt for quantum physics rules.

Meaning, (IMHO)

The craft are multidimensional, fallen angles/aliens themselves.


Things "coming upon the earth" are prophesied to be visible to man at the time we find a global government practicing Satan worship, drinking blood of the "saints" (the sinless) aka: all infants and children under the age of reason are sinless.


Next comes the Mark of the Beast and I take note, possibly this is the Crisper technology.


The mark of the beast is a prophesied tracking mechanism created by a global system and without it you can not buy or sell a thing.

Interesting term though…."Beast".

A term used for power branches or governments or empires, but, according to the law of first mention that Bible scholars use, this use of the word BEAST is a second definition.


According to the law of first mention, the primary definition of a word is given the FIRST time a word appears in the Bible. As with Q, double meanings exist in the BIBLE intentionally.


Here, the first time the word is used, God is talking about the "beasts of the field" in Genesis.


Therefore, Mark of the Beast is also reasonably interpreted as the mark of the animal, or, these days, the genetic mixing of man and animal, bio-engineered, changing of DNA.

Think Super soldier.


Chinese scientists clone and genetically modify a dog, implications for human possibilities


Think about that vaccine notable we looked at the other day, where they were literally injecting something to alter human DNA.


One must take note in the bible, that God says he can not or will not resurrect genetic hybrids. This included the demons, or nephalim, aka, the man/angel hybrids.

Perhaps the mark of the beast is a genetic engineering by vaccine or chip? Perhaps this is why none who take the mark can be given a new body after this one is shed. Corrupted code?

Y'all think I am joking, especially new anons.


I am the anon who posted the Case Western Reserve Law School Paper on the question of when (what percent animal) a Man/animal Super soldier hybrid lost it's constitutional rights. (A few months back, I posted the whole Case legal PDF.)


The man animal hybrid stuff is put way inside the document starting about page 72. (PDF related)


I read elsewhere, I forget where, the hybrid super soldiers, part man part animal, will be getting a kill switch to the front of the head, in case they turn on the troops. The rest of us get DNA injected wallets in our hands, or we don't buy or sell anything.


The mark of the beast goes IN (in) the right hand or IN the forehead (the word frontal lobe or brain did not exist) See the King James. It says IN not on.


Interesting days.