This needs some moar views. Just caught it at the bottom of the last bread. It is important. Anons need to understand what this means. Expect much higher prices for food in the very near future. If you can get your hands on some space to garden DO IT. If you can get your hands on a big chest freezer DO IT. If you can't then get a million jars and tops and a dehydrator and start building up some food stores.
Things that are easy as fuck to grow:
Potatoes, Radishes, Zucinni, Pumpkin, Tomatoes, Carrots, Garlic. Get this shit in the ground NOW. If you want to put a little moar effort in also grow Corn. Corn is shit but it will keep you alive. Get some goddammed chickens and some rabbits. A few pigs if you have some space. Expect to have 4 or moar acres VERY well fenced to do pigs properly though.
Go to a local butcher NOW and order whole hogs cut and wrapped. In my area I can get a 350 lb hog for 180 bucks on the hoof. 3 big pigs like that will fill a few freezers and combined with the above garden will feed a family of 5 easily for a year.. I know because thats what I do.