for himself, yes, as it should be. You would not want that job, would you? And you don't want Don Lemon to have it either.
They are JIDF bots with humans plugging in the codes. I could not use the TOR feature (gives you "00000" as an ID) without putting in a captcha for almost every post. Too much work. The only ones who can do it are paid shills in a machine environment. Trying to hard to keep the shills out, you create a pathway that only they have the time and energy to utilize.
The JIDF spreads these vids, probably because they are like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 90% accurate 10%bullshit, so the Ziocreaps can cry "false anti-Semitic information." I have not watched the vids, so I don't know. It is one of their standard techniques. No one does the autoposts to 8kun like the JIDF.
well said, anon
Look, it's the JIDF trolls little brother
Schlomo means chomo
don't forget BBC porn fecafile porn etc
I finally stopped being a zionist and realized Jews were literally satan worshippers (the ones who founded fake Israel like the Rothchilds) from being here. When they started spamming the board with porn, that is when I woke up. I knew it was them because they used the same techniques for posting "she can do both" propaganda.
I'll believe that one when no one replies! nice try chomo
President needs to use the DAA to force the meat packing plants back open. and send some of these Jew CEOs to jail for this.
feed me pig, till I'm big
I pay 1.50 for cut and wrap, by the hanging weight. When pork is 50 cents a pound, it is 1/3 the cost I would pay just butchering, however quality is key. And in the good ole USA, if you cut yourself butchering, your hospital bill might be 1000X any money you saved by not taking it to a real butcher.
But cheap meat is so tempting. I filled the chest freezer with pork from costco that was .50 a pound, mostly loins.