Anonymous ID: 5e696f April 28, 2020, 1:55 a.m. No.8945782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5798



So why didn't the state step up and support the farmers within their jurisdiction?


Just because a state declares an emergency declaration does not absolve them of responsibility to promote and if needed provide a safety net.


Basically, what is happening is the states in conjunction with Congress are attempting to financially destroy the federal government and Trump Administration.


The states are showing no accountability. The states issued the stay at home orders. The states failed to use their healthcare oversight to prepare and implement contagion care within their facilities. The states issued orders as to what businesses are deemed essential and threatened penalties for non-compliance. The states have not shown support for business which generate their tax revenue and want the federal government to provide all relief and assistance.


The next relief package is reported to provide financial relief for the states. It will be in addition to the $2 trillion CARES Act. The federal government is already providing unemployment, tax credit relief, reimbursement for the NG, medical assistance and research. So how much will the next relief cost taxpayers? Congress is claiming it will be significant. Will the taxpayers fund all the states budgets thru the federal government?


The annual budgets of all 50 states is about $2 trillion. In addition to funding their individual states, taxpayers are obligated for $2 Trillion under CARES Act. How many trillion more to cover states responsibilities?


Are states providing effective public education?

Are states providing access to parks and recreation?

Are states maintaining the infrastructure iaw existing contracts and appropriations?

Are states providing all the services iaw with state constitutions legislation and appropriations?

Are states allowing citizens to go to work to support families and enjoy the recreations of their choice?

Are the states violating the rights and privileges of the citizens as expressed in their state constitutions and the US Constitution?

(well there is one yes to the questions)


List of state budgets (with sauce links) available on wiki:


summation of totals $1.9353 trillion or $1935.3 billion

equates to $161.3 billion/month or $37.2 billion per week to finance the 50 states


(Need an accounting of all receipts for funds drawn on the US Treasury.

Hope President Trump issues an Executive Order re-iterating that Constitutional fact)

Anonymous ID: 5e696f April 28, 2020, 2:19 a.m. No.8945853   🗄️.is 🔗kun



One of the items in the relief legislation (think the first one but may have been CARES) is the unemployment assistance In addtion to assisting extended uemployment benefits, there is $600/week on top of states benefits for upto 4 months. That's $15/hr for staying home.


Back in 2009 with ARRA, the Dem Congress extended UI to 99 weeks, but that only applied to areas with the highest unemployment reimbursed by the feds. There was no extra cash payment on top of standard UI.


The difference is 2009 was not an election year and a Dem president. 2020 is an election year and an American President that the Congress desires to financial destroy.


As campaigns ramp up, watch for Dem candidates proclaiming how they assisted the unemployed.