Anonymous ID: 5f7722 April 28, 2020, 3:26 a.m. No.8946018   🗄️.is đź”—kun

YouTube pulled the original version of this video because it didn't meet "community guidelines." What they mean is that it doesn't match the propaganda story coming from their masters.


Dr Erickson

Anonymous ID: 5f7722 April 28, 2020, 3:31 a.m. No.8946029   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6035

Reuters reports that after initially attempting to develop its own Wuhan coronavirus tracing tech, Germany has decided to adopt new tracing technology developed by Apple and Google, joining a growing number of other European countries.

Anonymous ID: 5f7722 April 28, 2020, 3:32 a.m. No.8946035   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology



Across the world, governments and health authorities are working together to find solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic, to protect people and get society back up and running. Software developers are contributing by crafting technical tools to help combat the virus and save lives. In this spirit of collaboration, Google and Apple are announcing a joint effort to enable the use of Bluetooth technology to help governments and health agencies reduce the spread of the virus, with user privacy and security central to the design.


Since COVID-19 can be transmitted through close proximity to affected individuals, public health organizations have identified contact tracing as a valuable tool to help contain its spread. A number of leading public health authorities, universities, and NGOs around the world have been doing important work to develop opt-in contact tracing technology. To further this cause, Apple and Google will be launching a comprehensive solution that includes application programming interfaces (APIs) and operating system-level technology to assist in enabling contact tracing. Given the urgent need, the plan is to implement this solution in two steps while maintaining strong protections around user privacy.


First, in May, both companies will release APIs that enable interoperability between Android and iOS devices using apps from public health authorities. These official apps will be available for users to download via their respective app stores.


Second, in the coming months, Apple and Google will work to enable a broader Bluetooth-based contact tracing platform by building this functionality into the underlying platforms. This is a more robust solution than an API and would allow more individuals to participate, if they choose to opt in, as well as enable interaction with a broader ecosystem of apps and government health authorities. Privacy, transparency, and consent are of utmost importance in this effort, and we look forward to building this functionality in consultation with interested stakeholders. We will openly publish information about our work for others to analyze.


All of us at Apple and Google believe there has never been a more important moment to work together to solve one of the world’s most pressing problems. Through close cooperation and collaboration with developers, governments and public health providers, we hope to harness the power of technology to help countries around the world slow the spread of COVID-19 and accelerate the return of everyday life.

Anonymous ID: 5f7722 April 28, 2020, 3:46 a.m. No.8946084   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6097 >>6117


Morgan Stanley reveals 17 energy stocks to buy now that the price of oil has collapsed — and which ones to avoid


Among the companies focused on exploration and production, oil supermajor Chevron (CVX) is an overweight, as are ConocoPhillips (COP), Noble Energy (NBL), Hess (HES), the analysts wrote.

Anonymous ID: 5f7722 April 28, 2020, 4:05 a.m. No.8946140   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6144 >>6155


>Noble Energy


The Israeli energy giant Delek Group partnered with the US company Noble Energy to develop the exploitation of the reserves, which, according to a 2010 US Geological Survey, amounted to “approximately 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, with a current market value of $240 billion.”


US Senator Mary Landrieu led the first official US Energy Mission to Israel, whose goal was to “introduce US firms to Israel’s rapidly expanding oil and gas market and to assist US companies pursuing export opportunities in this sector,” according to the US Department of Commerce. In reality, Landrieu was lobbying on behalf of Noble and Genie. But local environmental activists, and a consequent Knesset bill halted the venture in the Shfela Valley. By the time the bill passed, most of the company’s employees had moved to its sister subsidiary, Afek Energy.


During a roundtable discussion hosted by Landrieu and the Chair of Israel’s oil and gas association, Uri Aldubi, “the delegation received presentations from Noble Energy, Zion Oil, and Genie Energy.”


For her services to the gas and oil industry, Ms. Landrieu has received tens of thousands of dollars of political contributions from both Genie and Noble Energy between 2010 and 2014. When this failed to get her reelected, she was quickly ensured a spot on Genie Energy’s Strategic Advisory Board, where she is still employed.

Anonymous ID: 5f7722 April 28, 2020, 4:06 a.m. No.8946144   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6147




During all these years, Landrieu was receiving political contributions from both Noble and Genie. According to Federal Elections Committee records, she was amongst the top beneficiaries of donations from the Noble Energy Inc. PAC in both 2012 and 2014.


In 2013, then-CEO of Noble, Chuck Davidson, contributed $2,500 to Landrieu. In 2014, Genie owner Howard Jonas donated $5,000 to Landrieu’s campaign, and since 2011 he had contributed a total of $21,500 to the pro-Israel political action committee NORPAC, which endorsed Landrieu.


Interestingly, the Netanyahu government needed to secure Landrieu’s allegiance as well. As US talks with Iran over a nuclear deal were heading towards fruition in 2014, Israel was counting on sympathetic members of Congress, such as Senator Landrieu, to actively oppose the impending deal. Landrieu, a staunch opponent of the agreement, recently joined the Advisory Board of the newly formed Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran, an organization created by the Israel lobby group AIPAC to hinder the deal.

Anonymous ID: 5f7722 April 28, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.8946245   🗄️.is đź”—kun


WHO launches global megatrial called SOLIDARITY of the four most promising coronavirus treatments

Anonymous ID: 5f7722 April 28, 2020, 4:49 a.m. No.8946267   🗄️.is đź”—kun



GAVI brings together developing country and donor governments, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry in both industrialised and developing countries, research and technical agencies, civil society, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other private philanthropists.