Anonymous ID: 719196 April 28, 2020, 12:30 a.m. No.8945502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5537


yeah so why the drops huh?

headline fucking news is what it should have been but it wasnt except for a few networks and one of them was not fox nor breitbart and if they did it was sugar coated


no, some of this shit should be exposed and since pepe got no memo (no outside comms) pepe expose what is in the drops


pepe shill

some people even think the drops are fake!

here even?

out there to normies ok

here even?

no pepe no like this attitude

Anonymous ID: 719196 April 28, 2020, 2:06 a.m. No.8945819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5864 >>5980 >>6093 >>6153 >>6160

Pope says obey rules during exit from COVID-19 lockdowns

28 Apr 2020 04:27PM


"VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis on Tuesday (Apr 28) urged people to obey rules aimed at preventing a devastating second wave of infections as their leaders begin to ease COVID-19 lockdowns.


Francis spoke at the start of his daily private morning Mass, where he has been dedicating brief opening comments to various themes related to coronavirus.


From Europe to the United States to Asia, officials have been dealing with tensions and criticism of stay-at-home orders.


"In these days in which we are starting to have regulations to come out of quarantine, let us pray to the Lord that he gives his people, all of us, the grace of prudence and obedience to the regulations so that the pandemic does not return," the leader of the world's 1.3 billion Roman Catholic said.


Francis has been in lockdown himself, with his events streamed on the Internet with no public participation.


His comments were particularly relevant in Italy, where Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte's plans for a staged end to Europe's longest lockdown has been criticised by those who say it is too slow and limited.


Italy, which at 27,000 has the world's second-highest number of coronavirus deaths, will allow factories and building sites to reopen and permit limited family visits in the first stage starting on May 4."



nah it aint blame francis time all complicit dangerous animals

Anonymous ID: 719196 April 28, 2020, 3 a.m. No.8945943   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Church is a Mess, and the SSPX Situation is Driving

That Home

Steve Skojec

April 27, 2020


"It’s 2020, and right now, the Catholic Church looks like a giant dumpster fire.


For the past seven years, we’ve had a pope who has seemed hell-bent — literally — on undermining or even directly contradicting the truths of the faith. From Amoris Laetitia to Abu Dhabi to the attempt to change the teaching on the death penalty (with all the attendant ramifications), the issues are numerous and very serious. The pages of this website are full of documentation and analysis on these topics. And to make matters worse, our pope has personally protected clerical abusers while paying lip-service to a “zero tolerance” policy.


As if that all wasn’t exhausting enough, we came into this year on the tail end of a synod that featured idolatry, near-pantheistic environmentalism, and a serious debate over the prospect of doing away with clerical celibacy and adding women to Holy Orders.


And then, suddenly, the coronavirus pandemic swept through the world, and things got even more intense. Francis and his “reform” agenda were suddenly swept off center stage as an even bigger crisis loomed. One that hit home for Catholics in an even more direct way as churches around the world closed down, and worse, people in many places lost access to all the sacraments.


In the past 6 weeks, over 200,000 deaths around the world were attributed to a virus we still don’t know how to properly fight. How many of them were Catholics who died without receiving last rites or so much as a death bed confession, all on the orders of their bishop, whose chief job it is to be a shepherd to souls?


For the first time in the modern world, many Catholics are coming face to face with what it feels like to live without access to those things that are the greatest sources of grace in their lives. It’s not a persecution in the traditional sense, but we’re getting a taste of what that might feel like. Not a few have wondered out loud if it may be a prelude to exactly that.


In countries with few vocations, even opening parishes back up may not bring relief for many. In Italy, at least 109 priests have died since the pandemic began. In Spain, it’s now over 70. There’s no way to know, from where I sit, how many of them were in active ministry and how many were retired, but you can bet it’s a mix of both. The youngest priest who died in Italy was only in his 40s. Who will replace them? Who will offer the Holy Sacrifice at their now-priestless parishes when public Masses are allowed to resume?


How much revenue has the Church lost during the pandemic? How many empty collection baskets, how many forgotten bishops’ appeals, how many Catholics so fed up with shepherds who have left them to fend for themselves that they’ll never donate again?


How many parishes will shut down now, because they can no longer be sustained?


How many people who only went to Mass irregularly before will not go at all now that even that habitual practice has been broken?


And despite all of this, what have we learned?


Have we really considered how much we may have taken for granted? Have we entered more deeply into prayer, or drawn closer to Our Lord in other ways that don’t require our presence in a church?


Are the faithful banding together in this difficult time, or have we spent the past couple months tearing each other apart?"



looks sounds and smells like a giant dumpster fire

pepe feels sorry for catholics they hate pepe for exposing

Anonymous ID: 719196 April 28, 2020, 3:02 a.m. No.8945952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5964 >>6006

Universe may actually have a ‘north’ and a ‘south’ as new

tests tear holes in Einstein’s gravity theory

28 Apr, 2020 09:31


"Universe may actually have a ‘north’ and a ‘south’ as new tests tear holes in Einstein’s gravity theory


Scientists studying a quasar 13 billion light years away believe they have discovered a ‘direction’ to the universe which, if proven true, would upend not only Einstein’s theory of gravity, but the standard model of cosmology.

The universe is governed by four fundamental forces which stitch it together: gravity, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force and electromagnetism.


As it turns out, the fundamental physical constant to measure electromagnetism between charged particles is actually surprisingly inconsistent, despite being responsible for tying electrons to nuclei inside atoms and keeping pretty much everything from falling apart."



and now for something completely different