Anonymous ID: 740b38 April 28, 2020, 12:35 a.m. No.8945525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5593 >>5738

>>8944840 Secret 'COVID-19 Manhattan Project' Led By Billionaires Seeking To Influence Trump Admin


Their "scientific report" is basically just an advertisement for remdesivir.


Remdesivir is patented. Chloroquine is not. There's an enormous fortune to be made if remdesivir becomes the "chosen" treatment for COVID-19.


POTUS is aware of the remdesivir shenanigans and has been a step ahead of them all along.


The way he knocked remdesivir out of the way was beautiful and very clever. He approved remdesivir for "compassionate use" but held off on approving chloroquine.


That forced Gilead to falsely claim that they could only manufacture it in enough quantities to perform clinical trials, not treat sick people:


"On 20 March 2020, United States President Donald Trump announced that remdesivir was available for "compassionate use" by people with COVID-19; FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn confirmed the statement at the same press conference. On 23 March 2020, Gilead voluntarily suspended access for compassionate use (excepting cases of critically ill children and pregnant women), for reasons related to supply, citing the need to continue to provide the agent for testing in clinical trials."


Gilead needed to say that because remdesivir isn't an effective treatment and they know it:


"More than two-thirds of severely ill COVID-19 patients saw their condition improve after treatment with remdesivir, an experimental drug being developed by Gilead Sciences Inc., according to new data based on patient observation. …


Before the treatment, 30 patients were on mechanical ventilators, and four were on a machine that pumps blood from the patient's body through an artificial oxygenator. After a median follow-up of 18 days, 36 patients, or 68%, had an improvement in oxygen-support class, including more than half of the 30 patients receiving mechanical ventilation who had their breathing tubes removed. A total of 25 patients, or 47%, were discharged from the hospital. Seven patients, 13% of the total, died.


Twelve patients, 23%, had serious side effects including multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock and acute kidney injury."


Compare those dismal results to the 98% success rate of chloroquine.


Gilead is going to fiddle its clinical trials to make remdesivir look like a wonderful successful safe treatment, when in fact it doesn't work.


So they couldn't allow it to be used for "compassionate use" because then its lack of effectiveness would be public knowledge. Everyone would know that it doesn't work because the patients would still be dying.


The secret club of billionaires wants Gilead's clinical trials to be the definitive information about remdesivir's effectiveness. Only after the "official truth" that remdesivir is safe and effective has been set in stone will they allow it to be widely used.


So Trump forced them to say it couldn't be manufactured in sufficient quantities to treat any actual patients except the patients that allegedly participate in the clinical trials.


Then he said, "Okay, guys, I guess remdesivir just isn't an option. We'll have to go with chloroquine" and approved chloroquine for compassionate use:


"On March 28, 2020 the FDA authorized the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)."


So instead of trying to get the truth out to the general public about the lack of effectiveness of remdesivir, which would have mostly failed because the MSM would say the experts say it works and Trump isn't a doctor and so on, he took remdesivir out of the game with a simple stroke of very stable genius.

Anonymous ID: 740b38 April 28, 2020, 12:59 a.m. No.8945593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5722






> “We may fail,” said Stuart Schreiber, a Harvard University chemist and a member of the group. “But if it succeeds, it could change the world.”


Yes, it would change the world by giving an unprecedented fortune to a criminals pushing patented drugs that don't work so they can make a large fraction of the world's population pay them a lot of money.


They want to "accelerate the approval" of remdesivir by having the FDA just skip the part of the approval process where they check whether the clinical trials actually took place and gave the specified results.


I think it's worth pointing out that denying people access to the drug that does work and giving them a drug that doesn't work just because you'll make a profit from it is highly immoral and tantamount to mass murder.