Anonymous ID: 7b7eea April 28, 2020, 1:30 a.m. No.8945703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5752 >>5864 >>5980 >>6093 >>6153

Suddenly Media Realizes MUELLER & FBI Illegally

Railroaded Gen Flynn Into Bogus Plea Deal; True Pundit

Told You That 713 DAYS AGO



"The supposed right-wing media again is pretending like they are breaking news on Gen. Mike Flynn’s troublesome plea deal.


In reality, 95 percent of the “Breaking News” in recent weeks from the darlings in the right-wing media are things True Pundit literally broke years ago. AND THE PUBLIC is noticing that even the top names in right wing media are full of crap — never once crediting True Pundit’s work and scoops. The latest media charade involves “new revelations” that the Flynn plea was coerced when Robert Mueller and Justice Department lawyers threatened his son, Michael Jr. BUT True Pundit broke that story 713 days ago. (more below)"


From True Pundit on May 15, 2008

Gen. Flynn Signed Guilty Plea After Mueller Threatened His Family, Son; Thug Tactics Coerced Plea Deal –– almost two years ago (Yes, years):


Gen. Michael Flynn didn’t cut a deal with U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller because he was necessarily guilty of lying to the FBI, or any crimes, according to sources close to the retired general.


Flynn was muscled and coerced into a plea deal, several sources said.


Flynn plead guilty after Mueller threatened Flynn’s family, including his son Michael Jr. According to sources close to Flynn family, Mueller threatened Flynn on multiple occasions that if he did not plead guilty to lying to the FBI, Mueller would investigate other Flynn family members.


Including his son. And rack up thousands more dollars in legal fees."


moar paine:

oh there will be I TOLD YOU SO's

Anonymous ID: 7b7eea April 28, 2020, 2:24 a.m. No.8945872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5980 >>6093 >>6153

Dallas priest accused of abuse, removed from the ministry

Associated Press

Apr 28, 2020

Dallas priest accused of abuse, removed from the ministry


"DALLAS - The Diocese of Dallas has removed a priest from the ministry after sexual abuse allegations arose in the Colombian archdiocese where he formerly served.


Father Oscar Mora was among 19 priests suspended last month by the Catholic Archdiocese of Villavicencio after the allegation arose earlier this year, The Dallas Morning News reported Monday.


The archdiocese alerted Bishop Edward Burns in Dallas that one of the priests in the Dallas diocese was among the 19 suspended."



if we truly covered all of these stories like we do anyone

named stein we would fill fucking breads to the sky

but we aint being gate kept by guardians of the pope no!