Anonymous ID: 7d7619 April 28, 2020, 12:22 a.m. No.8945469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5489

>>8940605 pb

>>8941192 pb


Bolsheviks and vampires.


Vladimir Dracula: How Soviet Russia tried to create immortals


Given the rumors, Russians often wish all those theories about our super-soldiers and X-Men skeletons were true. Alas, the Soviet Union only went as far as trying to make immortal politicians (not as cool - but still cool, right?)


Not long before the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924, a clandestine society emerged in Russia. Its members would conspire to meet in safe houses where they summoned volunteers to take part in blood transfusions. Creepy, right? You may be forgiven for thinking this was a sect or a religious cult, but in fact, the organization was run by a very sane Bolshevik higher-up, Alexander Bogdanov (real name Malinovsky), close Lenin ally, co-founder of the party and noted scientist behind the Socialist Institute.


“The great visionary”, as he was called by followers, was trying to unlock the secret to immortality.


Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’ had found great favor with readers in the Russian Empire, including Nicholas II himself. This fascination carried over into Socialist times. The meanings of blood and sacrifice enjoyed mystical fervor in a country that had just lost two million people in a war the likes of which the world had never seen in scale or efficiency of brutality.


“Why couldn’t they just resurrect him?”, wrote many in army circles about the 1924 demise of Vladimir Lenin. The idea that a figure of such colossal stature could die was unfathomable.


Lenin appeared to have been worn down by stress, exhaustion and malnutrition - all leading to a whole bouquet of symptoms afflicting nearly every old-school ruling class Bolshevik barely in his mid-thirties. They haven’t even had time to properly start ‘emancipating the world from capitalist tyranny’. Something had to be done.


It is no secret that Russia at the dawn of the Bolsheviks was a highly experimental country. No stone was left unturned in the search for the perfect Russian - including the famous sex reforms.


Given blood’s mystical allure, some scientists of the time also theorized that the person’s entire personality, soul and immune system were contained in their blood.

Anonymous ID: 7d7619 April 28, 2020, 4:52 a.m. No.8946279   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski: "There is no fundamental difference between the flu and COVID".


What an interview! Dr. Wittkowski doesn’t mince words or sugarcoat anything as he explains to Dr. Dan Erickson his perspective regarding herd immunity, COVID-19, consequences of social isolation lockdown and the effectiveness of vaccines.