Anonymous ID: 841b57 April 28, 2020, 1:34 a.m. No.8945716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5723 >>5728 >>5821 >>5883


< - - - youtube video

QAnon DESTROYED By David Icke - EXPOSING Faceless

Movements & Distractions!


Feb 20, 2019


"Josh Sigurdson sits down with David Icke, world famous researcher and theorist to talk about the absurdity of QAnon, an obvious psyop meant to distract people and keep them apathetic to Trump regardless of what he does. The idea is that everyone should "trust the plan" and lay back. No one should take action because some so-called "white hats" are working behind the scenes to save them.

Now we know here at WAM that we won't win any points by making this video, but this is about consistency and not allowing the populace to be distracted by faceless movements there to confuse people and misdirect millions of people.

David Icke also breaks down his thoughts on the recent coup in Venezuela as Trump declares Juan Guaido the "legitimate" president of the country as Maduro ends whatever relationship remained with the United States.

David Icke talks about the history of movements meant to distract, divide and destroy. "


like the time you said the world was going to end faggot?

Anonymous ID: 841b57 April 28, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.8946200   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lt. Gen. Richard Newton: Coronavirus shows US national

security will depend on this

Published 1 hour ago


"President Trump was spot-on when he called the COVID-19 pandemic “our big war.” Our battle with it may not be the kind of war we are used to fighting, but when an enemy has killed tens of thousands of our fellow Americans, severely damaged our economy and upended our daily society – make no mistake we are at war.


As long as COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, the lives of Americans will not be safe.


And when this stealth invader respects no border or boundary, this new war needs a new kind of battle strategy."



this probably means something