Anonymous ID: 85a067 April 28, 2020, 12:54 a.m. No.8945579   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5583 >>5635 >>5752 >>5864 >>5980 >>6093 >>6153

Secret 'COVID-19 Manhattan Project' Led By Billionaires

Seeking To Influence Trump Admin

by Tyler Durden

Mon, 04/27/2020 - 23:40


"Last month Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey called for the bold and urgent launch of what he called "a Manhattan Project-type approach" to fight the coronavirus pandemic given the enormity of the health and economic impact, increasingly even harming US defense readiness.


Apparently there has been such a group operating behind the scenes, but very unlike the original Manhattan Project it's a private sector initiative, funded by a tiny network of ultra-rich industry titans working closely with government contacts. Meet "the secret group of scientists and billionaires pushing Trump on a Covid-19 plan" profiled in a lengthy Wall Street Journal investigation Monday:


These scientists and their backers describe their work as a lockdown-era Manhattan Project, a nod to the World War II group of scientists who helped develop the atomic bomb. This time around, the scientists are marshaling brains and money to distill unorthodox ideas gleaned from around the globe.


They call themselves Scientists to Stop Covid-19, and they include chemical biologists, an immunobiologist, a neurobiologist, a chronobiologist, an oncologist, a gastroenterologist, an epidemiologist and a nuclear scientist. Of the scientists at the center of the project, biologist Michael Rosbash, a 2017 Nobel Prize winner, said, “There’s no question that I’m the least qualified.”"



slightly stale but news to pepe too many shill battlings!

Anonymous ID: 85a067 April 28, 2020, 12:57 a.m. No.8945584   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5635 >>5752 >>5864 >>5980 >>6093 >>6153

Trump adds pressure on Adam Schiff to release Russia

investigation witness transcripts

by Daniel Chaitin

April 28, 2020 01:12 AM


"President Trump drew attention to reports that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is blocking the release of witness interview transcripts from the panel's investigation into Russian election interference.


He quote tweeted on Monday evening a missive from Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, that said, "Why won't Adam Schiff release declassified interviews from his Russian collusion witch hunt? Because he knows the President did nothing wrong."


Trump added his own answer to Jordan's question. "Because Shifty is a crooked politician!" he said."



Anonymous ID: 85a067 April 28, 2020, 2:15 a.m. No.8945844   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5864 >>5980 >>6093 >>6153

Wartime Vatican archive shows how much Pius knew about

the Holocaust, says researcher

April 27, 2020

Tom Heneghan


"PARIS (RNS) — The long-awaited opening of Pope Pius XII’s wartime records only lasted a week before the coronavirus shut the Vatican archives down again, but that was long enough for documents to emerge that reflect badly on the pontiff accused of silence during the Holocaust, according to published reports.


In that week alone, German researchers found that the pope, who never directly criticized the Nazi slaughter of Jews, knew from his own sources about Berlin’s death campaign early on. But he kept this from the U.S. government after an aide argued that Jews and Ukrainians — his main sources — could not be trusted because they lied and exaggerated, according to the researchers.


The researchers also discovered the Vatican hid these and other sensitive documents presumably to protect Pius’ image, a finding that will embarrass the Roman Catholic Church still struggling with its covering up of the clerical sexual abuse crisis.


These reports are coming out in Germany, home to seven researchers from the University of Münster who went to Rome despite the coronavirus crisis there for the historic opening of Pius’ wartime papers on March 2. Other researchers from the United States and Israel had been expected to attend the opening but apparently stayed home because of the pandemic.


Leading the German team was Hubert Wolf, 60, a historian of the Catholic Church who has researched in the Vatican’s Secret Archive — now called the Apostolic Archive — since his student days. A Catholic priest and prolific author, he enjoys a reputation as an objective researcher and outspoken analyst.


“We have to first check these newly available sources,” he told Kirche + Leben, the Catholic weekly in Münster, last Friday. “If Pius XII comes out of this study of the sources looking better, that’s wonderful. If he comes out looking worse, we have to accept that, too.”


The stakes are high"



knew? they were behind it the whole fucking time

liars gate keepers and apologist were everywhere lil' pepe!