Anonymous ID: 992abf April 28, 2020, 1:36 a.m. No.8945724   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hear me out anons. ASSUMING this existence is infinite, time must be an illussion considering how photons do not experience time. So our human hardware, it is what it is, perceives and records moments in time as a memory. We experience finite amount of being in the moment in an infinite realm. Considering the double slit experiment showed how observing the macro world affects it's own behavior… would this infinite experience repeat itself infinitely just because? If so then it is what it is, but if the lesson is learned from an experience then perhaps we should all cherish these perceived moments and memories of time. Consciousness/software kinda broke the firmware/hardware game and created infinite awareness of infinite imagination. Physically we're finite but our imagination is infinite so… not sure where to go from here. Please take the idea knowing the context and assumptions. No need to destroy the idea, it's a theory. If nothing is something that does not exist then clearly my experience here is something therefore the experience was just infinite and always here? Dafuq man, if God does exist we most likely can't perceive a 4th+ dimensional being. It looks glitched out even if you see something like when Moses saw a burning bush that did not go out. And when he parted the Sea like imagine experiencing your reality being shattered and jumbled up it might look ridiculous upgrading to the next dimension level of our consciousness? Einstein said too we can't perceive the 4th dimension but we can try to explain it mathematically of course on a 2D piece of paper…


Love you all? Why? Because we know better now and can't say you don't know how. Jesus showed us; just Love. I'm sure he broough us to a higher level of consciousness like… We now measure years of time before his death and after.