Anonymous ID: eb6a83 April 28, 2020, 1:03 a.m. No.8945604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5612 >>5621 >>5631 >>5635 >>5752 >>5812 >>5864 >>5980 >>6093 >>6153 >>6189

LDS - Lockdown Derangement Syndrome


An irrational insistence to lock down the world in order to kill 90% of economies and totally destroy independent countries, so unelected globalist entities such as UN and WHO can come to the Socialism and Globalism "rescue".


All due to a disease with a fatality rate between 1/10th of 1% to 1% in developed countries. Even less when looked at globally.


LDS is irrational insanity.


Just my opinion. But don't tell me that I am not allowed to disagree with Bill Gates.


WHO the hell elected Bill Gates to become God?


WHO the hell decided that Bill Gates gets to dictate the fate of the world?




Bill Gates Says Life Will Go Back to Normal No Sooner Than One to Two Years From Now


As the spread of COVID-19 has slowed down in some states, governments there are preparing to loosen restrictions introduced amid the pandemic, reopening their economies and easing the quarantine regime.


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said in an interview with France's Le Figaro that life will go back to normal after the new coronavirus pandemic no sooner than one to two years from now, even if the spread of the virus is put under control.


"We are not going to return to normal for one to two years", the billionaire said.


According to Gates, the world can get through that first stage of the pandemic by developing a system that will function "without the risk of returning to the exponential phase of epidemic progression".


He went on to say that with systems of testing and monitoring, states will be able to quickly identify virus hotspots and keep them under control, but the average lifestyle will be drastically changed due to citizens' fears of contracting the disease.


Gates also said that to return to normal life, "we will need either extremely effective treatment methods or a vaccine".


Earlier, Gates told CNBC that the world wasn't even halfway through the pandemic, saying that it's going to take a while "before things go back to normal".


The World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on 11 March. The virus was first registered in China's Hubei province last December, later spreading across the world. Overall, more than 3 million people have been infected with new coronavirus, and over 210,800 of them have died.



Some basic math.


Current world population is roughly 7.8 billion people.


So far, roughly 210 thousand people have died from Covid - 19 and the overall new numbers of deaths are now declining.


7.8 billion people divided by 210 thousand deaths …


7,800,000,000 people ÷ 210,000 Covid deaths = STATISTICALLY INSIGNIFICANT

Anonymous ID: eb6a83 April 28, 2020, 1:16 a.m. No.8945644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658


>Gates is a cunt … but he's right on this.


>We are careening toward a Second Great Depression .. with nobody trying to stop it.


They WANT a global depression.

They want you dead.