Oh, yes. It's different in Manhattan than Montana. And yes, you saved some lives. But this is war. You said it yourself. These casualties are acceptable in flu season, why not now?
I agree with much that you've done, you bet. But when it comes to locking down the nation, and allowing the abridging of civil rights to continue like this; to encourage the Walmarts of the world in muzzling their workforce a month AFTER the corona virus left that barn; to keep encouraging all this talk about the return of our FREEDOMS AND CIVIL RIGHTS being contingent on testing (knowing that they're one step away from proposing forced vaccination), what the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you?
I'm a patriot. My ancestor signed the Declaration of Independence. I have a duty to carry on that legacy and I do so proudly, humbled by the honor.
God is watching, weighing, measuring…I would pray not one American is ever found wanting.