Where were the tests made? USA?
What area of the country did the patient samples come from - local or nationwide?
Where were the tests made? USA?
What area of the country did the patient samples come from - local or nationwide?
She follows Langley.
kek what a (you wrote so much text) faggot
The glowie does have nice hair no homo.
High (relatively compared to USA) pop density then which explains the higher infection rate.
>whose drunken boasts triggered the Russia investigation
I like how Salon turned "could have been a whole bunch of different niggers that broke into the DNC" into that little snippet.
The #1 thing that Pop can say in defense of the sketchy claim:
Then why didn't I tell everyone "fucking A Trump hacked the DNC we can't wait to fuck HRC up with all the shit we found".
Morning nigger you forgot to clock in - no clock in no pay.
Someone needs to tell Simona Roastie that you only get one shot to be a famous honeypot before your cover is blown for good.
>those pysch evals you used to do re: POTUS on the Madcow show were classics.
Glad to see you're still around.
>I'm hoping Austin gets hit by a bus which then swerves/tips over and spills diesel over the road covering Austin as he cries out in pain right at the same moment I'm amount to flick my cig down on the ground.
Does that make me a bad person?
Spare us the poetry and just say "I'm a pussy" instead.
>better than nothing but still
Now Open: Shit nobody goes to any more
Still Closed: Shit people go to every day
Hampton Inns have comfy beds.
Who is FEMA?