Anonymous ID: 35a19d April 28, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.8947679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Blood Sacrifice and its perpetual celebration, repetition, and mimicry has gotten you where you are.


Thinking King Iames and the sorcerers/scribes that crafted those ancient collections of books and verse did it for any reason other than a tool of colonization via mind control, subversion, and dominion, then you are a fucking fool who has wasted it's time not only on qresearch, but online in totality.

Understand that priest class level wisdom IS SORCERY. Nd those with said wisdom, eat and get high off of (you).

Yet you trumpet their anchored mind control mantras. That is strong magic.

But if you are here, you should have already known that, yet still post ignorance.

