Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 7:35 a.m. No.8947161   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is a great preview of things to come

But you really have to dig, Cicada 3301 style

In order to get all the layers of the message.


But Science, and science lessons are a big part of our future.

Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.8947236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7600

X-ray shows calcified pineal gland




A suggestion

Get the DOE money to build a solar distillation plant on the shores of the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Take the water out of the lake, distill it, and store/process the solids elsewhere. Over time, you will reduce the salinity of the lake, especially if the water produced becomes popular and lots more distillation plants are built.


Why would the water become popular?

Because you aren't going to sell distilled water, you are going to dissolve silica and add it to the water. To understand why, read up on why people buy Fiji brand water and Volvic brand water in Europe. The dissolved silica helps remove calcification and fluorine from the brain.


It is not necessary to wait for rainwater to filter through a volcano. Here is a scientific paper which explains how to dissolve Silica in water. Note that it needs alkaline water (Utah is rich in alkaline materials) and it works better with some sodium in the water (the salt from the water is half sodium so get rid of the chlorine by manufacturing Chlorine dioxide for medical disinfectants).


Obviously this is not a simple process but almost all of the science already exists. And as soon as people learn why celebrities all drink Fiji water, and what fluoride and calcification do to your brain, the market will BOOM. This is essential infrastructure and will be part of the legacy of Trump's Presidency.


Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.8947323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7330

1) "Lies, Leaks + Collusion - A Framed Case Against Trump"!


Our friend asked us a LONG time ago to keep focus on it!


It’s time to open Pandora’s box, shine a BRIGHT light & put #Crowdstrike on the radar!


Has everyone forgotten Trump’s call w/ Ukraine president Zelensky?

Current CoVid-19 crisis seems to have suppressed any further on it!

For a while, focus had shifted to “where’s Hunter”, “Biden laundering”! Now on Steele dossier+"Russia".

There R STILL major suppressed parts!


Most haven't focused!

What was it, Trump asked Zelensky to look in to?


MSM have newest talking points re Trump's call. Checking up on the ‘buzz’ (search the MSM for “Crowdstrike and Ukraine”), they seem to be alluded to it!

THAT's what Trump mentioned: Crowdstrike + server!


[They] KNOW, what’s coming; they're trying to prepare/being ahead by attempting to brainwash sheep to believe that there’s a 'conspiracy' – pushing a fake narrative that it’s a muh-Russia orchestrated ‘conspiracy’ about Ukraine and that Trump's part of it!


Here's but 1 link to illustrate the lies being pushed by MSM etc to cover up+prevent people from understanding the Truth (AGAIN - attached link is FULL of deep state lies+twists, see if you can spot them all!)!


Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.8947330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7340



Now let's light some Truth to counter and expose the lies!


Apr 29 '16, DNC discovers+discusses a breach in servers.

Crowdstrike is a cyber security firm hired by DNC via Michael Sussman at law-firm Perkins Coie (representing DNC). DNC waited 4 days w/ contacting Crowdstrike.


May 4 2016, Sussman contacted Shawn Henry, pres. at Crowdstrike Services to check servers. The 2 had known each other for years.


In conjunction w/ DNC, the Russia hack-story was born (see later re Fancy Bear) - an intricate, convoluted story full of lies, webs+collusion.


So, what's so 'special' about Crowdstrike?

Why was FBI denied access to servers by DNC + FBI did NOT pursue access?

Why did FBI (Comey) accept report ("Russian hack") from Crowdstrike w/o checking the servers themselves?


Who IS Shawn Henry (see #7), since Comey didn't pursue?

Turns out Henry not only has a past at FBI, but also CLOSELY connected to Robert Mueller!!!


Shawn Henry was promoted by Mueller to Exec Ass. Director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch in 2010.

Speaking of "close ties"!

So HOW biased was Mueller, then, when ‘leading’ the impeachment probe?


Mueller, in the report, did NOT call out Crowdstrike as non-reliable in regard to "Russia hack"!

Could it be bc of Mueller being closely tied to Henry?


In addition:

"Comey told Congress in March 2017, the FBI "never got direct access to the machines themselves." Instead, he explained, the bureau relied on CrowdStrike…., which "shared with us their forensics from their review of the system." "


Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 8:03 a.m. No.8947340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7354



Henry is VERY biased himself. Just before voting on Kavanaugh:

“This is not…an investigation about the sexual allegations, I think it really has moved toward credibility,” Shawn Henry, an NBC News analyst, told Nicolle Wallace on October 1, 2018.“



So the president of the cyber-firm to investigate +secure the DNC servers in '16 is an ex-high-ranking FBI, politically biased, person being part of a group to concoct a "Russia allegation" against Trump - 1st to assure HRC won, later (after the loss) to concoct a coup!


CrowdStrike plays center role in whole web. From FBI conducting business w/ CS in '15 to Google Cap. injecting $100m into CS to Obama, in Apr '16, appointing Steven Chabinsky from CS to Commission of Nat. Cybersecurity to CS assisting DNC+HRC w/ planting fake 'Russia hack'!


Where's Ukranian part? Here's where it becomes convoluted+unbelievably mind-blowing!


Dmitri Alperovitch (ex-McAfee), co-founder of CS, served as "special advisor" at DoD, senior fellow at Atlantic Council. (see later: Alperovitch has now left CS).


Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.8947354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7379



Atlantic Council - US based think tank w/ openly anti-Russian sentiments.

Major funders: of course Soros + UKRANIAN billionaire Victor Pinchuk, who also happened to donate at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation + Burisma Holdings' Zlochevsky connected to Bidens'!


V. Pinchuk web pieces: "…serves on International Advisory Board of the Atlantic Council….member of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity, chaired by Anders Fogh Rasmussen…Michael Chertoff…with Joe Biden, Nick Clegg….and others.…


From Stefan Halper, Mifsud..Papadopoulos, to Steele…the Ohr’s w/ Trump Dossier, or CrowdStrikes’s Russia Hacked the DNC Report…all link to The Atlantic Council, Soros….all linked back to Hillary Clinton as long term friends, colleagues or family.



Before continuing with DNC+Crowdstrike, consider this logic question re narrative on Russia as enemy:


WHY would US view Russia as enemy, when US collaborates w/ Russia in Space Station + RELIES on Russia to bring astronauts safely up+back in Russian modules?


Dems+RINOs/Deep State have been centered+exploiting in Eastern Europe, especially Ukraine, for many years (implicated directly in e.g. Maidan).

In Apr '16 the Russia hoax against Trump was initiated by the Ukranian Chalupa sisters. Alexandra Chalupa was instrumental!


Already back in June '17, Milennium Report showed the intricate colluding connections involving Chalupa sisters and Ukraine, how CrowdStrike played role of "Russia hack" + so much more:…


How the Chalupa sisters linked to Ukraine, Soros, John McCain's back-stabbing of Trump, Lindsey Graham and part of creating the hoax + coup attempt against Trump (July '17):



Side-step, McCain died, strings apparently cut to Graham, fast forward to Nov '19 re Graham - did he flip, was he exposed, what was/is his intent! Relevant questions, since he's stepping down!


Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 8:10 a.m. No.8947379   🗄️.is 🔗kun



As mentioned, it's all 1 HUGE connected web. Below 5pg link connects MANY dots (excluding Flynn) - Crowdstrike playing major role (contacts with fake 'Russia hacks' Fancy Bear/Cozy Bear):



Spinning the lies - these just being 1 part!

From pg. 3 of link in #26:

"Dimitry Alperovitch and Crowdstrike were in constant contact with their Fancy Bear/ Cozy Bear hackers from the time Alexandra Chalupa was leading Trump/Russia research and yelled "bear" in January 2016."


As link in #26 shows, neither Russia nor Assange 'hacked' DNC server; Trump wasn't 'colluding' w/ Russia (nor was Gen. Flynn)!

Wikileaks received emails from Seth Rich via thumb-drive (Bill Binney has proven that, too).

But how does case against Flynn connect to Crowdstrike?


1st going back in timeline, to where FBI used 'info' to gain access to spy on Trump campaign.

J. Mifsud (allegedly Russian) had 2 Blackberry's. Mifsud relayed lies to G. Papadopoulos abt. Russian's having dirt on HRC!

S. Powell has filed for phones:



Those BlackBerry phones contain CrowdStrike software connecting to CrowdStrike servers in order to BYPASS NSA detection!

Here's where Awan brothers (Debbie W. Schultz, DNC connection) come into play!



All this explains WHY Trump requested newest Ukraine President Zelinsky to "look into" Crowdstrike+a server etc + why and how swamp is abt to fall + how Flynn was (a)bused as pawn in coup against Trump!



To finish off: Dmitri Alperovitch, in Feb '20, sold his stocks at Crowdstrike at $66/share (1 mth before it's stocks crashed to $37/share!), stepped down to start up a 'non-profit'! I wonder why - could it be because CS is soon to be exposed🤨😎?


Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.8947439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7705


>Normies need evidence and truth that isn't hidden in riddles and clever subtext/speech. Straight truth, plain language. No more riddles.


That is our job

We are supposed to be the new media, posting straight talk on Social media, on blogs, etc.


And Q taught us how to avoid getting banned too.

Use Socratic questioning. Don't PREACH to people. Don't tell them that you have got the truth.


Just ask questions about stuff that is bothering you. Provide a few links to evidence that makes you wonder whether there is another explanation. And then move on.


People will accept that bit when they are ready. Move on an write another Social Media post or blog or article about something else. With some other questions and some other tantalizing evidence.


Something as simple as asking '''Why all the fuss about disinfectants? Sunshine is a disinfectant too." And a link to an article in a medical journal about using sunlight to disinfect.


You cannot force people to run before they are able to walk.


And remember what Q said…










Setting yourself up as someone to be trusted, is NOT part of the plan. Getting people to QUESTION things is exactly the plan. Those people who get banned from Twitter deserve to be banned. I have been tweeting about all this stuff for years since before pizzagate, and I have never been banned aside from some short periods of shadowbanning. That is because in a public forum, I am very careful about what I say. I don't directly attack the mockingbird plan, just open up cracks for the light to shine through.

Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 8:41 a.m. No.8947583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7808



Q was referring to comms from the Q group.

There are many others dropping comms

On other platforms

Who are clearly part of the Trump Administration's plan

Even though they are not Q

And will tell you to follow Q because they are not Q

Nevertheless, like you and I

They drop comms here, there and everywhere.

One example is Jim Watkins owner of 8kun

He drops comms on YouTube


Watkins Xerxes is a master of Cicada 3301 style of comms

But in his own way. He uses covert morse code

He plants objects in the field of view or hashtags to establish keys

And he reads out texts while signaling which phrases are the secret comm.

It does take hours and hours over many days to figure him out

But for an Autist this is great fun.


E. is the master of Cicada 3301 itself. He left his fingerprint in the Cicada 3301 project although I believe that he had other helpers in doing it. Now he works alone as Eye The Spy, Mr. E. or E. and focuses on Twitter.


Here is the tweet where E. releases a video in the morning

Well before Trump's speech in the afternoon

Where he says something odd…


E.'s video first…

Nothing can stop what is coming

Like sheep you have Been LED

To be BLED

All these things doubled


It is a bit odd that the last three lines

All end in bled

3 times BLED


Then at 3:00 pm the same day Trump makes a speech at CPAC.

The whole speech is worth listening because it sheds light on what is currently happening

But starting at 56:00 minutes

During that minute Trump says BLED three times with emphasis

As if he is naming an enemy

And promising retribution


Taken together this constitutes PROOF

That E. is highly placed in the Trump administration

He has hinted that he is Ezra Cohen-Watnick

And he stated that he is the author of Cicada 3301.

And Q clearly thinks Ezra plays an important role.


We know that E. has helped track down child porn merchants

And that explains why shills constantly attack any mention of E.'s crumbs

The video attached tells us what is happening

But it's encoded in a Cicada 3301 style so you have to study it carefully

Stop and go frame by frame at times

ID everything in an image

Look for oddities

And see the message that those oddities convey


Going deeper in the video

In the scene with a naked young girl

We see a tattoo of 3 dots on a hand,

Two times,

Both on the area called the Mount of Venus

Who is the goddess of sex

2 x 3 reminds me of 23 feel the pain

The 3 dot tattoo is common in gangs and prisons

It means Mi vida loca

Which is what a trafficked young girl might think

She is a slave, imprisoned

But has sex with wealthy men in luxurious opulent settings

Where she can wear diamonds, drink Cristal, eat caviar

Human Trafficking

Somebody is coming to visit… Psalm 23:4


Are you LAUGHING now???

Anonymous ID: 4a7f5b April 28, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.8947600   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Indeed. And the most important water to watch

Is the water that has dissolved silica in it so that you can remove the fluoride and calcification from your brain.


See here for a BIG suggestion that someone might want to invest in.
