Anonymous ID: 62cf7d April 28, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.8947384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7403


>Normies need evidence and truth that isn't hidden in riddles and clever subtext/speech. Straight truth, plain language. No more riddles.


Agree 100%. Perfectly stated.


When Normies rely solely on Fake News, Frauds like Facui, Birx, WHO, etc. they can't see the truth. They are starving for information. They need straight talk. They need to see Obama get perp walked for his part in all of this. Even with the WHO back tracking, they will not be able to give POTUS credit for being right. They need to see the players, understand the WHY. Didn't POTUS tweet this? WHY? They will not see the why, when they still believe the LIE.

Anonymous ID: 62cf7d April 28, 2020, 8:17 a.m. No.8947416   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How appropriate. MAY DAY, MAYDAY.


May Day: A Pagan Sabbath


May Day is a Celtic and Germanic witches Sabbath (Walpurgisnacht) that has become a cardinal day for worshipping demons and the greenery of the earth. May Day is a confrontation with God's way of life. May Day, long the premier day of the Soviet Union, a day the armaments would be paraded and sabers rattled, has now turned into an International Socialist Workers Day. The socialists may well push this confrontational day into the forefront, worshipping Gaia (mother earth) and fertility (environmental protectionism) and redistributive socialism. May Day connects the sexual fertility of Babylon with the modern neo-Pagan environmentalist protective, International Communism. Satan has cleverly crafted eight pagan holidays (the Wheel of the year- worshiping mother nature) to displace God's Holy Days, substituting a time of completion with a time of new beginnings, celebrating a new world order, a neo-Pagan worship of environment and mother earth or the concept of fertility, a witches Sabbath without the need for a Creator.


May 1st, is May Day. May Day is not just a day where children innocently gambol around maypoles and have fun. As we will see, May Day sinks its roots deep down into the extreme depths of paganism. It is one of the eight days of the year sacred to Satan; it is a witch's sabbath.


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Anonymous ID: 62cf7d April 28, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.8947717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7739 >>7778

Attorney General Sees Too Much Secrecy in Epstein Estate


Some of the same furtive techniques that Jeffrey Epstein employed in life are showing up in the litigation over dividing up the wealth he left behind when he died.


There are mysterious companies, lingering nondisclosure agreements and contractual clauses that some lawyers fear could protect anyone who took part in Epstein’s wrongdoing.


The estate’s lawyers say they have a plan to fairly distribute money to dozens of women who have accused Epstein of sexually abusing them as teenagers. But the attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands, where Epstein built a complex web of corporate entities, says Epstein’s money is still buying silence.


And in the middle is a fortune estimated at well over a half-billion dollars.


“We have a lot of concerns with respect to the transparency of the estate and its finances and the accounting of the estate,” the attorney general, Denise N. George, said in an interview last month.


George filed a civil forfeiture lawsuit against the estate in January, roughly five months after Epstein killed himself while being held in federal custody in Manhattan after his arrest on sex trafficking charges. She said she sued to protect the interests of Epstein’s accusers and recoup some of the money that Epstein made during his two decades in the Virgin Islands.


The estate has insisted it is acting in the best interest of Epstein’s accusers. But it has also provided an incomplete accounting of his finances, according to records reviewed by The New York Times.


At least one business — IGO Company LLC, a corporate entity established by Epstein in December 2006 — was left out of the estate’s court filings. The company, which lists Epstein as its sole owner, was still active and in good standing as of Monday, according to a U.S. Virgin Islands government site.


Lawyers for the estate did not respond to a request for comment. The coexecutors of the estate are Darren Indyke, a lawyer, and Richard Kahn, an accountant. Both men worked closely with Epstein for many years and were listed as officers for some of his businesses.


Much of the fighting between the estate and George’s office involves a plan to establish a victims’ compensation fund, which would allow accusers to receive payments from the estate without a potentially costly court case. The estate’s representatives say the proposed fund — which would be set up with the help of the specialist who ran the compensation program for victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — would allow accusers to receive money quickly and privately.


But George said the estate wanted to attach too many strings to those payments.


On April 7, George’s office told the probate court handling Epstein’s will that she and the estate had reached an impasse over the estate’s demand that victims who take part in the fund agree to a broad release that would bar them from suing any party “whether they participated negligently or intentionally in wrongdoing themselves.”


To George, the estate’s conduct was a reminder of the legal maneuvers that surrounded Epstein’s guilty plea 12 years ago to soliciting prostitution from a minor in Florida. In 2007, federal prosecutors agreed to a wide-ranging nonprosecution agreement that covered Epstein’s named and unnamed co-conspirators. (A federal appeals court this month rejected a legal challenge brought by one of his victims to the agreement.)


George’s office said the estate now wanted to “secure similarly broad protection for Epstein’s compatriots-in-crime from their victims.”


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