Anonymous ID: 6d29d9 April 28, 2020, 7:33 a.m. No.8947142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7150 >>7358

Wuhan Institute of Virology - Tip of the Iceberg = USA Biomedical Research ($$-millions) to CHINA


Did you know?

Since, at least, (1994) the [N]ational [I]nstitutes of [H]ealth has been sending USA taxpayer $$'s (by the millions) to CHINA as Biomedical Research Grants.

  • This is right out in the open. From the (NIH - Funding) webpage.

(1994 - 2020) - Total $$'s = (NIH) research grants to various Mainland CHINA entities:


(That's what I could find) - Notably Absent = The reported $3.7million in (2015? or 2017?) to the (Wuhan Institute of Virology). (screen caps - of NIH 2015 & 2017 China funding pages)


I found NO funding for (Wuhan) before (2018).

Scrubbed? Or funded thru a different channel?

  • Interdastingly,

The largest yearly grants I found went here, but it changes yr to yr:




(There's moar)

(Dec 2010) - This Program was Initiated:

US-China Collaborative Biomedical Research Program

  • China had been getting (NIH) grants since (1994), but this was a formalization, if you will, to that collaboration, with a (MOU) - memorandum of understanding.


Like other US Foreign Aid sent around the world; (NIH) sends millions to billions of US Taxpayer $$'s to multiple other countries around the world for biomedical research.

  • Help to poorer countries for legitimate biomedical research is one thing, but with 30+ yrs of $$-billions in [offshored-production = yearly trade deficits] to China from the US = Why has the US Taxpayer been funding biomedical research in CHINA?

  • How many Billionaires have arisen in Mainland China in the last 30+ yrs?

  • How high has the China, claimed, GDP (econ. growth) been for the last 20+ years? 6 - 10% a year?

  • How many massively overbuilt "Ghost Cities" does China have?

  • And,

Just how much (Biomedical Research) US-tax grant $$'s has the USA [DS Gov] Really been sending to China?

Thank God,

DJT was elected president.

Patriots were/are behind & protecting him.

'The Plan' has been moving forward.

And although, a lot of what's habbening really sucks:

These things are serving to "peal back the scab" that has, for so long, been covering the festering wound the [Evil Cabal] has been inflicting upon humanity.


Moar (NIH) $$'s, going who knows where, to digg into.