Anonymous ID: 7a1f93 April 28, 2020, 7:30 a.m. No.8947119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7131 >>7151 >>7197 >>7227 >>7398 >>7709 >>7778

We have absolutely zero evidence that COVID-19 virus exists in anyone, nor do we know if it causes disease. No virus has ever been isolated from a human subject. Everything we know about viruses is a lie. What are identified as "viruses" are a most likely just one form of a pleomorphic germ created endogenously in the human body, and used to break down diseased tissue to prevent aging. Viruses do not pass Koch's Postulates: they have never even been proven to be contagious, let alone proven to cause disease. Stefan Lanka's claim that measles has never been proven to exist was upheld by the German federal court. Germ theory is wrong, and Louis Pasteur was a fraud and a plagiarist. Bacteria and so-called "viruses" are a symptom of disease, not the cause. The tests for coronavirus are fake. Every single person who has tested positive for COVID-19 recieved a false positive. The tests are for genetic material nonexclusive to COVID-19, and we have no reference to validate the accuracy of the tests. In fact, we have never proven the genetic material detected on the tests is even contained in a virus. They have never isolated the virus from anyone. Dogs, sheep, pigs, have all tested positive for COVID-19, which is 100% impossible. Viruses are specific to the cells of the species. Viruses cannot mutate across species. It would be about as likely for one of your cells to suddenly start producing dog cells or sheep cells. It can never happen. We have never proven this virus contains the genetic material on the tests. It could be from our own cells, a bacteria, or fungus. We have no idea. How are we falling for this?