Anonymous ID: b9cdb4 April 28, 2020, 8:03 a.m. No.8947338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7342



I also forgot to mention something that's been 'bugging' me. Code obfuscation! Take a look at ICU. (

First of all, by "Sun Microsystems" Sun? Son? Sin? Sen? San(s)? COMIC? CO|V|IC|D Sans? Sarns? COMIC SANS | COVID SARS 19pt. - C before D \ change .. directory


Caught On Video Ingesting Drugs - 19 kinds / Research Chemicals!

RC's! (2-5-NBOME, 2C-T-2, 2C-B, 4fa, DOM/DOB/DOC, 4-Aco-DMT / 5-MeO-DMT, methoxetamine, JWH-018, etc.

Oh wait, Adrenochrome! Where do the primary source of RC's get synthesized and distributed to research labs? CHINA, mostly, and Canada; India too.


Then take into consideration the VASTNESS of the OPEN SOURCE community, but TONS of their so called 'open' code, is Base64'd, or worse, totally syntax mapped to AN ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT LANGUAGE!

That defies logic! Why call your org 'open' if half of it's source repos are obfuscated and totally misrepresented?


All it takes is a few hours on GitHub to see the blatant examples of deceit, and tomfoolery! Sheer poppycock!

Now, what does ICU have to do with psychedelic stimulant Research chems?


Pineapple and Pizza

DMT and Speed (Super Psychedelic Dopaminergic Satan Sex with Minors to feed your extremely evil & heinously exotic 'people addictions.'

Pine apple? Pineal apple? Pineal gland. DMT source! The fruit of the keystoned. A terrorized pre-pubescent (the earlier the better) skull berry ripe with juicy "e-pine-phri-ned" / nore'pine'phrine/(shine)!

Pizza? Delta, triangled, dopa, D-MINE/Demon-opa!, phenyl(fennel staff/Dionysus), ethyl(B'ethle'hem - House of Bread/fungus/ergotamine), am-i-n(ot)e(xisting?) / (a)lpha-(m)ethyl-(ph)enyl(et)hyl(amine) = amphetamine / dopamine agonist(think agony of a keyholdstone/coldstone/qoldstone/G-OLD-ST.-ONE)


Saint Neonyonarnus or just St. Neo's Great Old Stone for short. StoneyOne-Geloadi!


Think Little Nicky!

The priest with the feet burning on the pizza phi/pi/pie?

Hitler wearing a tutu, bent over, in front of Satan, browsing a 'fridge/cooler' of pine-apples.


Peneople.(Pineapple - Pineal)

Odysseus (Orgasm - Speed - Pizza - Phi - Circe.Cum.frens)

Telemachus(Dopamine/Reward/Connection/Combination/Stars into each other's eyes / windows to the soul?) also (Telem-achus/occus Occular Telemetry), scalar wave re:son:(D?)ance


(D) = Dionysus - Son of je-ZEUS, Hera, Antinous/Antioneus/Anti-One & Us/ Aunt Toni (U) (S) -


The Tyrsenians (Tyrosine is a precursor to Dopamine)


17(Q) different neurotransmitters/precursors -


17(Q) names for sons (for, I think, 13 individuals) and a daughter:


Telemakhos and Arkesilaos/Ptoliporthes (Penelope) [Eustathius/Pausanias]

Agrios, Latinus and Telegonos (Kirke [Hesiod]) or Auson [Lykophron]

Rhomos, Antias, Ardeas (Kirke) [Dionysus of Halicarnassos]

Nausithoos and Nausinoos (Kalypso) [Hesiod]

Leontophron or Dorukles or Euryalos (Euippê, Epirote Princess) [Eustathius]

Polypoitês (Kallidikê, Thesprotian Princess) [Proklos]

Leontophronos (Daughter of Thoas, Aitolian Princess) [Apollodoros]


And one daughter:

Kassiphone (Kirke) [Lykophron]

Anonymous ID: b9cdb4 April 28, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.8947342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7369


What is the cult of Dionysus?


Yesterday I heard you say

Your lust for life has gone away.

It got me thinking, I think I feel a similar way,

And that's sad (that's sad).


So let's make a decision, start a new religion.

Yeah, we're gonna build a temple to our love.

Orgiastic dances, nymphs in trances,

Yeah, we'll be the envy of the Gods above.


I'm feeling devious,

You're looking glamorous.

Let's get mischievous,

And polyamorous.

Wine and women and wonderful vices

Welcome to the cult of Dionysus.


We could take a Holiday in the month of May

Run free and play in fields of flowers

Pass the hours making love is how we'll pray.


Or start a secret society for the wild and free,

Our ideology is "You can do what you want,

Too much is never enough".

We are the Life, we are the light,

We are the envy of the Gods above.


I'm feeling devious,

You're looking glamorous.

Let's get mischievous,

And polyamorous.

Wine and women and wonderful vices

Welcome to the cult of Dionysus.


Run, run, run away.

Just take my hand and we'll abandon this world.

We'll wash those tears away,

You're young and beautiful, and I'll love you always.

We got no time for pain,

When it's just you and me in ecstasy.


What is with the world today,

The wicked games that people play.

The wars the greed they waste away

It's sad (it's sad).


So let's spread the word across the land,

Yeah one by one, baby hand in hand.

We got a message of hope

we got mission of love.

Soon everybody, everywhere will be

The envy of the gods above.


I'm feeling devious,

You're looking glamorous.

Let's get mischievous,

And polyamorous.

Wine and women and wonderful vices

Welcome to the cult of Dionysus.



Now after seeing this, does this reflect the CABAL's version of the Cult of Dionysus? Neon & Morphineus? They always take the good things, corrupt them, show off the bad parts to scare people away.

The cabal is a bunch of genomic freaks, with carnal desires beyond repair, cannibalistic fervor/fever, and the cunning of a wilted penis flower.


His/High'story (How High?) is bugged out, (man) MNA/DNA/RNA/ANA/BNA/CNA/ENA.

Anonymous ID: b9cdb4 April 28, 2020, 8:55 a.m. No.8947695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7772



Megillot 5 - Phiarve:Pharive


Phi:Llot:Sofer 'sTone / Magnific Lens / Magic Stones / PRISM / KEYS / TONE / (Free)PHRI-K(Q)-Y(YoU)-(&)ENCI/Enci/Enki/Enqi(See) Ensl/sEnlel|Lens = Frequency Lens Focus Stone?


Qrystal Magnification Lens?


Radio laser waves?

Scalar waves?


Laser Phi-Brrrt Qptiqs - FiOS/WiFi

Anonymous ID: b9cdb4 April 28, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.8947772   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BLUE AVIATORS/Angels/Thunder/Blue Lightning/Birds? DW is right you guys, Corey ain't lying, William Henry made the correlation. Sorry trolls, you just be jellyfishin'


I can't believe people think that DW & frens is JIDFshill/otherclownop?