Anonymous ID: bb877a April 28, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.8947733   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This seems absurd, doesn't it?

Reminds me of an email exchange I had with a relative recently. I'm the black sheep of my family. Most of my siblings and in laws have college degrees, some advanced degrees, and they all think they are very smart.

I mentioned that I watch the press conferences every day to stay up on the COVID situation. This relative indicates that they do, too. I'm surprised. In my next message I mention something about a recent press conference and ask what they made of it.

Relative writes back well they don't watch the task force press conferences. They watch gov Cuomo's pressers, because he tells the truth ad has the best charts. Then states he has to leave the room if Trump comes on the TV.

TDS is real and still holding on strong. This person does not live remotely near NY and there is no logical reason to depend on the gov of that state for information.

Anonymous ID: bb877a April 28, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.8947767   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Been thinking about this shocking news for a couple days. The only logic I come up with is it could be that there are so many nursing home patients who are/were ill that there would not be enough capacity for them all so to allow Cobble Hill to send their sick residents to the ship or to Javits Center would be unfair to the patients of other nursing homes.

This is a damning revelation about the state of 'health care' in our country, which the press is working overtime to keep under wraps and focus on blaming POTUS rather than presenting objective information.

Our system is broken. Not because we don't have enough face masks and gloves, but because the treatment protocols don't work and they don't want to allow alternatives. Its a monopoly on murder.