Anonymous ID: e627b3 April 28, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.8947596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7612 >>7709 >>7735 >>7778

>>8946919 lb

Question for planefags. Last night over SE PA there were a string of approx 35 craft heading due East. Single file. I looked on and nothing on radar. 21:02 EST


Upon watching a couple of minutes I picked something else up that was odd. A Chinese plane with call ID CHH7915 was just South of Long Island NY heading SE with a MIL jet close behind. The MIL jet was shadowing for a while. MIL call ID was ~2AC4D3 This was around 21:15 EST


Does any planefag have the capability to look up either of those planes flight paths such as from FlightStat? Need subscription for me to check. The China craft left China and headed NE towards Artic then turned SE over Canada and into US airspace.


Had IRL stuff and couldn't track any further. I was looking at why the China plane was being tailed by US fighter.


Again time was around 21:15 EST on April 27, 2020

Anonymous ID: e627b3 April 28, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.8947815   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks. The flight must have been circling over the Atlantic before landing at JFK. The MIL jet was tagging the plane close for a while. Don't know why.


Thank you anon