Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 7:59 a.m. No.8947318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7398 >>7709 >>7778

Gunshots ring out and cars are set ablaze in Haiti as police officers protest against government corruption (VIDEO)


Rioting cops stormed the Finance Ministry in the capital over complaints about their pay and working conditions, as Covid-19 rips through the impoverished Caribbean nation.


Videos from the scene show cars set ablaze and government buildings being stormed, as Haitian police took to the streets of Port au Prince on Monday.


Officers went out to protest their pay, working conditions, and government corruption against the bleak backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has put further strain on the country’s dire economic situation.


Rioting cops, calling themselves ‘Fantomes 509’ (Ghosts 509) exchanged gunfire with their colleagues sent in to quell the protests.


An SUV was even used as a battering ram against the gate of the Finance Ministry as the dispute turned even uglier.


A masked, rifle-toting member of Fantomes 509, who claim to represent officers killed while on the job, told news outlet VOA Creole, “we still haven’t received what we asked for,” as some civilians also joined the protests which have sprung up periodically since October last year.


In February, clashes between police officers and the army saw one soldier fatally wounded following a shoot-out.

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:02 a.m. No.8947336   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>ET's on this whole thing do they have a phone sitting waiting for us to call


Hey…They have a Bat Phone….And a direct line to the C_A and pedowood ..kekekek

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.8947344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7350

Tensions remain high in Tripoli as protests continue


BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:00 P.M.) – Clashes continued in the northern city of Tripoli this week, after protesters targeted banks and other buildings.


According to a field source in Tripoli, the Lebanese Army fired tear gas canisters to disperse the protesters, while groups called for the popular movement to close the bridge that connects the two parts of the city in to protest against the killing of an activist in the city of Tripoli last night.


Tripoli had the funeral this afternoon to commemorate Fawaz Fouad Al-Samman, who died from his wounds yesterday during the confrontations between the army and the protesters in Abdel-Hamid Karami Square.

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.8947356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7398 >>7709 >>7778

Riots and Plundering in Venezuela’s Coronavirus Pandemic

Scarcity of food, public services, and fuel, coupled with skyrocketing prices, leaves millions of Venezuelans without livelihoods amid the total COVID-19 quarantine decreed by Maduro


Spanish – In Venezuela, hunger, food shortages, hyperinflation, lack of basic public services such as water, and constant power failures have driven its citizens to despair. Now, in times of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the shortage of gasoline has complicated the situation for many, coupled with the increase in the price of the parallel dollar in recent days, which translates into less purchasing power and higher prices for the basic consumer goods in the South American country.


A quarantine in any nation entails economic consequences and loss of productivity. This is bound to happen when an entire nation is shut down. However, Venezuela was already suffering under a historical humanitarian crisis because of socialism under Maduro’s regime. Now, the country has no fuel, and the parallel dollar has reached a record high. The deterioration of living conditions has been further accelerated. People can’t find food to eat because of the gasoline shortages and unaffordable costs that keep rising continuously.

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:10 a.m. No.8947380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7398 >>7709 >>7778

At Least 10 People Reported Killed in 'Oil Tanker Explosion' in Syria's Afrin


Ambulances and fire brigades are working on the scene of the explosion, local media reported.


At least 10 people were killed and dozens more injured when a bomb went off on an oil tanker in the Syrian city of Afrin, Turkey's Anadolu news agency says.


A video and photos of the aftermath of the alleged explosion were shared online.


HUGE explosion in #Afrin, #Syria — evidence points to it being an oil tanker explosion— blown up with an IED.

— AS-Source News / MILITARY〽️ (@ASBMilitary) April 28, 2020


Seems sobebody put IED near Oil Tanker in Afrin.Stores,cars and some houses burning.Many people have bunr alive

— ZOKA (@200_zoka) April 28, 2020

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:12 a.m. No.8947391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7398 >>7414 >>7709 >>7778

EXCLUSIVE: Senator On Foreign Relations Committee Demands WHO Director-General Appear Before Congress And Sets Eyes On China


Indiana Republican Sen. Todd Young joined Daily Caller senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc for an exclusive interview on China, the World Health Organization and the next wave of coronavirus stimulus legislation.


Young, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs subcommittee that oversees multilateral organizations, pressed the importance of investigating the WHO aiding China in obscuring the early days of the pandemic. Young said Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus must testify before Congress if the WHO is to receive any more future funding from the United States, and further explained legislative matters that could be taken to hold China accountable for financial damages related to fighting the virus.

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:16 a.m. No.8947410   🗄️.is 🔗kun

COVID-19 And The Economics Of The Drug War


The ridiculous worldwide shutdown of everything has at least provided one interesting piece of research material: COVID-19’s impact on the drug war.


Associated Press interviews with nearly two dozen law enforcement officials and trafficking experts found Mexican and Colombian cartels are still plying their trade as evidenced by recent drug seizures but the lockdowns that have turned cities into ghost towns are disrupting everything from production to transport to sales.


Along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border through which the vast majority of illegal drugs cross, the normally bustling vehicle traffic that smugglers use for cover has slowed to a trickle. Bars, nightclubs and motels across the country that are ordinarily fertile marketplaces for drug dealers have shuttered. And prices for drugs in short supply have soared to gouging levels.


“They are facing a supply problem and a demand problem,” said Alejandro Hope, a security analyst and former official with CISEN, the Mexican intelligence agency. “Once you get them to the market, who are you going to sell to?”

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.8947457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is Spain the Next Venezuela?

On both sides of the Atlantic, the question is the same: will Spain become the Venezuela of Europe?


With every passing day, freedoms in Spain are restricted; there are aggressions against liberty. The country is important because of its geopolitical circumstance since it is at the union of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, as well as the meeting point (or discord point) of Europe and Africa, and the obligatory passage for America, a continent with which it shares history, blood, and culture from the United States to Patagonia.


There are many people who, from the other side of the Atlantic, wonder how likely it is that Spain will end up like Venezuela. A priori, there would be certain counterweights that would prevent Spain from drifting into such a Castro-Chávez regime just like that. But is it really so?


Would the European Union allow Spain to become a dictatorship? In principle, the answer would be no. But, for example, has Belgium, a member of the European Union, worked with Spain to bring the separatist coup leader Puigdemont to justice? Is the attitude of France in seizing masks that intended for Spain very encouraging? Or the attitude of the Netherlands, saying that Spain and Italy are to blame because they allow the hospitalization of the elderly and that collapses the health system, is that reliable? And the attitude of Germany, which does not remember how a large part of the Western world forgave it its debt after reunification and wants to direct the migration policy of the whole of Europe without regard to the respective national sovereignties?


What’s more, isn’t Castro-Chavismo already favored by the European left?

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.8947482   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Closer Everyday


Libra’s Disparte on big tech’s move into digital currency


What are the primary motivations for establishing libra?


If you think about the challenge that the world’s payment systems broadly have, even in very efficient environments, they’re often ‘walled gardens’ – so there’s very little interoperability between payment operators and payment systems providers. If you’re on the inside of those walled gardens or networks, you’re often afforded the luxury of low-cost, high-security, user-directed payments, which is a very powerful concept around autonomy

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.8947522   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Worried about Trump saying something about injecting disinfectants? You do the same thing every time you get a flu shot with mercury (thimerosal) in it


Recently, every American suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome pounced on the POTUS gaffe about injecting disinfectants, but not a single person who did has given one ounce of thought to the fact that nearly everyone who gets their beloved yearly flu shot is doing just that – injecting disinfectant. If the CDC were to tell them that injecting Lysol was “safe and effective” for fighting COVID, you can bet they’d all run to the clinic right away, without doing any research or doubting it for even a split second.


If you tell anyone who bows down to the CDC that they’re brainwashed, they get defensive immediately and call you a conspiracy theorist, but the CDC has been corrupt and criminal from inception. Mercury is still used in influenza vaccines today (think multi-dose vials), despite the fact that it’s the most lethal non-radioactive element on earth. That’s why it’s listed on the vaccine insert as thimerosal (50 percent mercury), so the brainwashed, mind-numbed sheeple won’t think twice.

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:39 a.m. No.8947563   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Freddy you just a idiot.. without changing the court system they would just walk free..But you to stupid to understand that


Jury Finds Undocumented Immigrant Not Guilty Of Murder In Kate Steinle Shooting


California appeals court overturns sole conviction in Kate Steinle death


Undocumented immigrant acquitted in Kate Steinle death

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.8947593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7709 >>7778

Trump adds pressure on Adam Schiff to release Russia investigation witness transcripts


President Trump drew attention to reports that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is blocking the release of witness interview transcripts from the panel's investigation into Russian election interference.


He quote-tweeted on Monday evening a missive from Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, that said, "Why won't Adam Schiff release declassified interviews from his Russian collusion witch hunt? Because he knows the President did nothing wrong."


Trump added his own answer to Jordan's question. "Because Shifty is a crooked politician!" he said.


Because Shifty is a crooked politician!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 28, 2020


Jordan's tweet shared a post from the Wall Street Journal editorial board, which, like the Washington Examiner, had sources who said Schiff is refusing to make public 43 transcripts that have been declassified and is preventing the declassification of 10 others.

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.8947610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netflix caves to Islamic supremacists, cancels program


Last month, the enormous streaming and production company Netflix canceled the TV thriller “Messiah,” (launched Jan 1, 2020) after allegations it contained “anti-Islamic propaganda.” Once again, it seems that intimidation campaigns, backed by Islamists, are spreading censorship and paranoia.


On December 4, 2019 – shortly after the “Messiah” trailer was released – California resident Zeynaba Dahir launched a petition on that lobbied for the movie to be canceled. The petition gathered nearly 6000 signatures.


The consternation is about Al-Masih (Arabic for Messiah), the eponymous lead character, who is seen to resemble an evil figure in Islamic eschatology called Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (or the Antichrist). Ms. Dahir writes: “Messiah by definition means a leader or savior…However, the Dajjal [Antichrist] is no savior but someone who will deceive you. Clearly this is a sign of propaganda eventually causing people to be misled.” She added that “this slow exposure of evil and anti-Islamic propaganda will slowly turn hearts.”

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.8947645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UGH: Globalists are Now Talking about ‘Flattening the Climate Curve’ to Stop Global Warming


The enviro-propaganda campaign continues to evolve.


With the notion of “flattening the curve” now burned into the minds of traumatized individuals worldwide, the globalists are attempting to re-appropriate the familiar propaganda line in their war against so-called climate change.


The World Economic Forum (WEF), which works hand-in-hand with the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations (UN), is urging various governments to focusing on flattening the “climate curve,” whatever that is supposed to mean, when the coronavirus pandemic comes to an end.


Flattening the climate curve in the post-COVID world @GCAdaptation #coronavirus #climate


— World Economic Forum (@wef) April 27, 2020

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.8947680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France: Radical Islamic extremist rams police motorcyclists with car


Authorities in Paris on Monday evening arrested a radical Islamic extremist who rammed two police motorcyclists with his vehicle.


The attack, which was carried out by 29-year-old Youssef T., took place in the northern Paris suburb of Hauts-de-Seine and left one of the police officers gravely injured, according to a report from French newspaper Le Parisien.


The attacker is said to be a pro-Palestinian activist who hasworn allegiance to the Islamic State. At the time of the attack, the two police officers, Benjamin F. and Antoine D., were conducting routine checks related to coronavirus measures. As a result of the attack, Benjamin F. suffered multiple fractures, head trauma, and had to be placed in medically induced coma so his injuries could be treated, while Antoine D. suffered injuries to his legs and pelvis.

Anonymous ID: f60a34 April 28, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.8947718   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What the FK don't you pay attention to what's going on at all..kekek


Trump says some state economies may open for business by May 1


Ohio governor announces state economy to begin process of opening May 1


Texas Governor Allows Malls, Restaurants, More To Open By May 1

In a news conference on Monday, Gov. Greg Abbott said retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters and malls will be allowed to reopen May 1.