AussieQ_308 ID: b509ac Australia July 20, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.10029491   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mr President,

Firstly ThanQ for everything always been a fan can't believe how much you've done for humanity!

Q. What will happen with Australia, our previous generation fell asleep and the DS took control, removed Gun rights, weaponized police against people and Gov Corp control. We don't have Pres Trump unfortunately, we have no one that fights for us. Unarmed we are sitting ducks, Daniel Andrews of Vic State Gov in bed with CCP, we have Tunnel system below city thru to ports, airport and military bases. Pedophilia is rampant. Is there something being run by US marines saving the kids/people under ground? Can you give us some hope here as their [DS] control is very tight. alot woken by Q and you sir but we need a "Devine Trumpvention" Thank you Mr Pres God Bless #WWG1WGA