Anonymous ID: 0711ff April 28, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.8948841   🗄️.is 🔗kun



NY said yesterday no pres primary on Jun 23, even though down ticket primaries are being held. CV given as the reason, but why no mail in or online voting, which is the rage everywhere else? What better opportunity to prove its mettle?


This means Bernie bros are neutralized (I'm thinking Bernie would have kicked Biden's ass in the NY primary) going into the convention. A Bernie win in NY would have blown the convention up with all the Reade stuff dropping on Biden, with a trend to push Biden delegates over to a surging Bernie..


So now Clinton and Obama are 'on the record' for supporting Biden. Good optics for when he's taken down by the Reade accusation and one of either the Obama or Clinton camp has to step in for the good of the party, since Bernie has suspended his campaign. Both camps want to keep a bleeding Biden afloat so no other candidate develops a surge. This is because of the increasing number of dems speaking up about Biden dropping out, IMO. Likes like Stern is onboard with stopping the anti-Biden sentiment, too. Timing with Clinton announcement not a coincidence.