Anonymous ID: 0d648c April 28, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.8948858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8873 >>8898

Work fagging and talked to two normies today that are waking up! I was so excited I had to share. This morning I drove by a sign place that makes custom masks with your own logo. I'm in a lock down state, can't go grocery shopping without one so I decided to get some made with this from the movie They Live as my silent and peaceful protest. I told two different normie clients today and got great results. Both loved it and wanted one for themselves even though neither knew of the movie.


One of these normies is a Bill Maher watching, Christian bashing, liberal hippie and he LOVED my idea for the masks and refuses to wear a mask as well. He said "Good for you! This is madness, it IS conformity. It doesn't make any sense!".


The other client explained to me that her father has lived in NYC all his life, he's 86, and never, ever wanted to leave, but because of this, he is finally ready to leave. For both of them, it's the masks, the forcing of them. And this woman brought up the video of the Doctors from California that got taken off YouTube (Dr Erickson and Massihi). She didn't know it was taken down by YouTube, she wanted to email it to me to share. If normies are spreading that video, this must be the great awakening!