Anonymous ID: 1fc618 April 28, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.8949070   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The memes are OK.

Lately I've felt that we are merely test subjects for development of a psyop and I don't like being a guinea pig even if the ultimate purpose is well intentioned.


Instead of a psyop why don't they just come out and lay the facts on us. No more guessing, no more speculation, no more wondering, no more making up dozens of hypotheses that could fit some of the data. Just facts, information, truth.

I'm a little fed up today with the way good-hearted anons have been abused, ignored, neglected, used, fed data designed not to inform us but to alter our behavior. We deserve better.

They allowed the shill culture to develop and did not do enough to prune it at the root when it first arose, even though we warned them it was quite difficult to do any serious work with the signal-to-noise level so low.

Yeah I'm bitchin.
