Anonymous ID: 2d7359 April 28, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.8949367   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9409

Some old black lady in gloves and a mask shook her head in disappointment at me at Home Depot earlier, then pointed to my son and said to her husband "look they don't even have a mask on that little boy."


After leaving the very open and bustling Home Depot parking lot filled with cars and people and mask-wearing cunts, we drove through the Kohl's parking lot next to it…dead, lifeless, shuttered, except for some fat bitch standing by the curbside pickup sign. The juxtaposition of the two was so glaring that I don't know how anyone can see that with their eyes and not think about it…


The fucking audacity of people who expect an entire population to conform to their belief they're gonna die because the news told them some scary things instead of them accepting personal responsibility and staying their dumb ass at home instead of going to Home Depot if they're afraid is QUITE something.


What don't normies get? If you're scared to go out, no one is forcing you to leave your house and go buy grass seed and bushes. Stay the fuck at home forever. If they get a choice, so should I. Its called freedom. And I'm ready to get this bitch going again. Fuck you deep state.