Anonymous ID: 47886e April 28, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.8948808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8815 >>8823 >>8857 >>9001 >>9206

Hey Q. Next time I try to attempt to contact my government, y'all might want to tell the NSA to record it. Even if it's just for keks.

I'll try to be moar calm, next time. Although, I can't make any promises.

Try to understand. These mother fuckers put me through a LOT of bull shit.

And it wasn't just me that they hurt. That's why I get so angry, FYI.

I'm really a peaceful person. At least I try to be.

But clown world, ya know. Gets pretty fucking frustrating

Anonymous ID: 47886e April 28, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.8948991   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not that easy.

You don't understand what I've been through.

Or what they put my loved ones through.

I have every right to be justified in my frustration.



I'd be crazy if it didn't bother me as much as it did…



That's what I'm talking bout. I'm calling now, because I know these mother fuckers are under a microscope. They've infringed on moar than just my Constitutional rights, and I don't trust the corrupt state to keep record of evidence that exposes them for frauds. My anger technically falls under the category of "evidence", as they are directly responsible for the abuse from which it is rooted. Having to relive traumatic experiences can often be just as traumatic as the actual event itself, if not moar.

Anonymous ID: 47886e April 28, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.8949190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9210 >>9227 >>9270 >>9388


I've been on intelligences radar before.

Hell. Some may even be tied into the abuse.

Given the known evidence, crossed with personal experience, it's a highly likely scenario.

Also, I know of at least one fibber that I pissed off to the point where he physically assaulted me in one of his intelligence gathering front "businesses". So, yeah. Someone somewhere knows who I am.


I'd rather things go smooth than sour. They should know by now that I'm peaceful. Even though they've also seen examples of my anger. Anger I get from my father. He may or may not have been targeted for shit, too. He served in the Military and and may have been tested on for "psychological reasons".


Trauma goes back a ways.Not gonna talk about every detail. But I already know they know who I am, which is why I don't feel crazy talking about it openly to them on an anonymous chat board. I can't afford therapy and don't trust shrinks or pharmaceuticals see: initial traumas, so these are my [sessions]

Anonymous ID: 47886e April 28, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.8949434   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Damn. I feel ya. Good friend of mine had to cope with her brother blowing his brains out in the bedroom next to hers while trying to do homework, one day. Why are they always on psych meds when this shit happens?


Dad was on psych meds, too, when he snapped. Never snapped that bad before meds. Never snapped again after he stopped taking the meds. Funny that the state actually made it manditory that me and the fam go see the same psych doc that fucked up my dad's head, for our own "therapy" sessions. Funny that same state decided to waive every citizens rights should something go wrong EVER with one of their medications. That should be enough clues to pin point the retards that I have to deal with, seeing we are the only state retarded enough to write those types of laws.


Put it this way. Before they were traumatizing children in schools with guns, there was us. "Experiments". Glad to see I'm not alone. Thanks for sticking around