Anonymous ID: 4824da NESARA and St. Germain April 28, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8949316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) by Harvey Francis Bernard was a series of economic proposals suggested in his self-published manuscript entitled “Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform” (1996). The proposals set forth comprised inter alia abolishing the IRS, forgiveness of debts, gold-backed currency and the end of income tax.


Shortly after publication, the cybercultists around the web adopted the proposals and edited the acronym to the “National Economic Security and Reformation Act.” Shaini Goodwin, who once studied under the purported drunken and abusive Ramtha medium JZ Knight, spearheaded the movement. Many others jumped into this mix and began interpolating a number of anachronisms. One of these was such that the NESARA Law—despite never having been acknowledged in Congress—was scheduled to be enacted at 10am on Sept. 11, 2001. This was, of course, delayed due to ‘the reptilian Bush family having orchestrated the terrorist attack.’


Thereafter, the NESARA phenomenon found affiliations with the Pleiadeans, channeled interdimensional beings of enlightenment, the Galactic Federation, UFOists, and the ascended master St. Germain. Many of these groups began to ask for donations from followers before being sued for fraud or going defunct. The St. Germain Foundation, however, remains active.


Academic texts in the literary corpus (English) on the Count of St. Germain are scant. I found three that focus on his “life.” The first, by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, is a Rudolf Steiner publication (father of Anthroposophy within the Theosophy movement and the Waldorf Schools) and opens its first chapter with Blavatsky quotes.


Blavatsky was an occultist who has long been identified as a disillusioned charlatan with questionable affiliations and dubious history.


While Cooper-Oakley’s text alludes to various esoteric and mystic attributes to the Count’s reputation and character, the author sought historical fact on lineage, travel, and documented interactions with the royal elite. The second text, authored by Jean Overton Fuller, seems very similar.


The third, however, is very different in that it is rife with wild conjecture.


According to the St. Germain Foundation, a new-ager movement HQ’d near Chicago, the mysterious Germain appeared before Guy Ballard in 1930 on Mt. Shasta, CA and dictated messages for him to publish, out of which was born the “I Am” theosophy.



*Moroni appeared before Joseph Smith in 1827 and provided him translations of the Mormon scripts.


*“Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” John 8:58


According to open source publications, the Foundation’s followers have dwindled since the death of Ballard in 1939 resulting in a number of spinoff groups following similar theosophies. Notably, the Foundation has been identified as a cult


I found a 3-hour video that comes off like an occult fantasy leaving no conspiracy stone unturned insofar as being connected to Saint Germain in all of his historic incarnations dating back to Atlantis:


My attempt to watch it was tantamount to a tennis coach rapid-firing balls during the first lesson. Indeed, many historical facts are mixed in among commonly believed conspiracies (Rothschilds Banksters, fractional banking, fiat currency, assassinations, etc.) along with long-shot speculations that render it a stimulation overload of uncorroborated hoopla lacking scholarly sources or citations.


Ironically, there is as much, if not more, information available on the net put out by believers of the Word—Christians—who believe an economic reformation such as NESARA is on the horizon and warn of its essence steeped in luciferianism. They posit that the dark luciferians of old are being replaced with the “light” lucies who are here to save the world with LOVE and prosperity disguised as the “mark.”


Living in an age of information overload, that is, being pummeled with ‘news,’ data, marketeers of commercialism and psyops, makes it crucial to do our own research, albeit to the disadvantage of corporate censorship, throttling, shills, and disinformation campaigns. Pray for discernment: the ability to hear the hiss of the snake.