Anonymous ID: 875f7f April 28, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8948619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8714 >>8988 >>8999

The Zombie Life!

It’s So Easy!


It’s so easy to slumber and lumber through a state-approved lifestyle!


It’s so easy to sit on the benches of the virtual coliseum

Booing with derisive farts and voting to kill those in the arena


It’s so easy to practice infantile games of one-up

When there are officially sanctioned groups to target, to masturbate the inner idiot


It’s so easy to judge others inferior

When the only measurements are words programmed into the unconscious mind


It’s so easy to swallow state media lies without chewing

Ready to regurgitate to feed the baby birdbrains sitting around the electronic fire


It’s so easy to consume whatever is presented in the usual hypnotic patterns,

Primed to misunderstand all that you see through the mind filters of deception


It’s so easy to sleep through life, being fed free narratives and poisonous food and drink

Content as long as no demands of the heart are ever heard.


It’s so easy to go low when anyone goes high

To act from the lowest hate-degraded impulses in the presence of anyone loving life


It’s so easy to channel your inner demon

Pridefully spewing demonic Tourette syndrome scat, imitating corporate comedians


It’s so easy to scavenge the Intermind

Looking to feast on the tender parts of the those living larger than flat out corruption


It’s so easy to attract sexual attention

By displaying the lowest self-esteem, low character and lack of awareness of soul.


It’s so easy to turn on your “friends”

If they say some words not permitted to be said by zombie gang members.


It’s so easy to die sleepwalking without even knowing it!


It’s so easy to die without ever having lived


Life is hard when you are listening to your true heart’s desires and actively pursuing them, not just passively succumbing to the seductive lies of the exploitation queens, those in the hater gang run by the dark side deceivers.

Anonymous ID: 875f7f April 28, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.8948747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9431


>In some ways, the company is at least as powerful as the government whose laws it goes through the motions of obeying.


More unrestricted power!


Big money

Big data

NO accountability


this is the NWO: Technocracy run by the oligarchs to cull and cotnrol the herd.


Until enough people unplug from the Matrix and use their intelligence, like the few anons do here.


Fortunately, there is Plan, created by the God's Universal Intelligence, hopefully being greatly assisted by MI!


WWG1WGA is not just an 8kun rallying cry, but a simple statement of truth at the deepest level

Anonymous ID: 875f7f April 28, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.8948796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9070


>I don't know who you think you're talking to but anon feels disgust at your words.


feelz on 8kun?


If you are true anon, you perceive that this is directed at the trolls, shills and all the damaged social barnacles clinging to the "chan culture" for their social life.


u know, those who jump on anons with emotional venom to masturbate their inner idiots!


Also describing the general zombie population on the Intermind and planet earth.