Anonymous ID: b9b404 April 28, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.8948754   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Mostly he knows that there are several hundred strains of COVID19 in the wild with a range of symptoms. Mostly mild symptoms but some very serious. People with serious diabetes can be at risk of having leg amputations, depending on the strain. So much variety that it is unlikely that an effective vaccine can be developed. And retrovirus vaccines have a habit of being worse than the disease, even fatal. Yes, that is right. Some people who would have mild symptoms from the disease are killed by a retrovirus vaccine.


There are no magic bullets. The whole system of identifying diseases and vaccines or cures, completely misunderstands what is really going on.


There are NO diseases. And there are NO cures, because how can you cure a disease that does not exist?


Look to Chinese traditional medicine for the real answers. The body is a system. Bad things disrupt the system. Too many bad things cause disruptions that impede the person's ability to do their normal activities. One bad thing compounds on another. Too many bad things lead to death.


What causes the death? Was it the bad habits? The inadequate food? The lack of sunshine and fresh air? A microorganism? Or two, or three? Fungal spores in the air? Chemicals in the air? Who is at fault?


These are all the wrong questions. Focus on health. What is health? What practices lead to a person being healthy? Make health your goal and you will not need to worry about disease.


Here's an idea? Set up something called health insurance. You pay a regular fee as long as you are healthy. If you get sick, you get free treatment until you are healthy again. While you are sick, there is no charge for the health insurance.


Think about it. If you run a hospital, you will make MORE MONEY if you solve the problem quickly and send the patient home. So hook them up to a blood recirculator, shine UV light on the blood as it passes by, add a vitamin and mineral supplement drip before it returns to the body. Supplement with an antibiotic and antiviral course and a prescription for a special probiotic yogurt drink to replenish and good microorganisms that got depleted during treatment. Finish up with a session on a treadmill with extra oxygen supply to get your cardiovascular system working at optimum level. Then a sauna and massage, before you go home for supper.