Anonymous ID: eec3a4 April 28, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.8948787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8948394 [lb]

>1. Just a hoax and similar to the flu.


This anon here just survived 6 weeks and 3 days of hell

Thought I was gonna die

Updated my will…it was that bad

Flu like or something other. I don't know

Healthy, never usually got the flu or even a cold

But I seriously thought I was gonna die

No symptoms for a week now, but had ALL Covid symptoms, less the freaky toe thing

But WA doesnt have appropriate tests. faulty kits from China that UW med bought. No Abbot tests available.

I either had some insane freaky flu, not flu or….

Couldn't breath at all, gasping for air

Had to buy an Oximeter to monitor breathing as doc offices cancelling appts

Called yesterday to get on the wait list for Abbott test, but not available in WA yet

>Inslee is a joke