Anonymous ID: b74a8a April 28, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.8949533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9676 >>9742

U.S. Patent 6,011,991

Inventor Aris Mardirossian

Issued Jan 4, 2000



Anon summary

This invention monitors your brainwaves (e.g. by smartphone) and transmits them via satellite to a computer. The computer compares the brainwave pattern with a database of your brainwaves and infers what you were thinking, feeling, or doing. In other words, the computer reads your mind. It can transcribe your subvocalized words or forward them to another person ("computer-assisted synthetic telepathy"). After analysis, the invention also provides for the "remote firing of select brain nodes to produce a predetermined effect on an individual." In other words, computer-directed behavior modification after reading your mind.


Sounds like science fiction? It's not much different from Google or Samsung or Siri voice assistant digitizing your speech waveform, sending it to a server that compares it with a database of speech samples, and receiving from the server the corresponding text or search result.


This patent could serve as a component within a system of synthetic telepathy (i.e. computer-aided thought transference between persons). There are numerous other inventions that provide a way to create audible speech within a person's brain, which we'll analyze separately.

Anonymous ID: b74a8a April 28, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.8949676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9742 >>0049


This patent could also work as part of a system that modifies your mood, psysiologic functions, or behavior.


Anon previously profiled

U.S. Patent No. 6,506,148 (inventor Hendricus Loos), Jan, 14, 2003

NERVOUS SYSTEM MANIPULATION BY ELECTROMAGNETIC FELDS FROM MONITORS which illustrates the technical feasibility of deliberately manipulating humans by pulsed frequency emissions from CRT or LCD monitors (i.e. televisions, computer screens, any device with a display) – including not just the people sitting closest to the device, but anybody in the vicinity.


Pic related.


Does it matter? Does it change how we think about what both good guys and enemies might be doing?

Bad guys could be transferring comms back and forth secretly. What would happen if the computers and satellites involved were knocked out by good guys?

Good guys could be doing comms secretly too. Giving and receiving orders. Relaying observations. Receiving computer-assisted help to stay awake or to sleep.

Surely advertisers are using the capabilities too, to sooth or stimulate us, create desires for products we don't want or need, and otherwise manipulate us.

Think about the many uses this technology could play. Both for us and against us.

We're just scraping the tip of the iceberg here with these 2 patents. There are so many more.

We need to be aware.

Anonymous ID: b74a8a April 28, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.8949770   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Once Freedom is given up it must be EARNED again.

I would say the same about trust.

Trust can be broken in an instant,

but to develop trust in a person takes a long period of sustained observation of principled behavior.

Anons can probably relate to this observation in relation to their personal relationships.

Anonymous ID: b74a8a April 28, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.8949877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0092


The enemy writes the news.

What they do is not right.

Their purpose is not to inform with truth,

but to mislead with lies and a made-up fake narrative.

Many of the events we were told happened

were pure falsehood that never happened.

News outlets are coordinated in what topics they emphasize each day and how they slant it. There are 6 or less major media companies that control all the mainstream media in the USA. Who controls the six?


WHO = world health organization

Does it have other meanings?

What are those meanings?


History is also written (re_written) by the winners. Is it possible (probable) that much of the "history" we learned in school through textbooks, scholarly works etc., is false? Just as false as the MSM's fake news?


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ Mon 23 Apr 2018 19:27:14 56807f No.1162020

It’s time to learn the TRUTH.

Why are D’s inspiring activist groups to remove history re: slavery?

Why are history books painting a different picture than before?

Why are teachers following a new false script?

“Republicans are racists.”

Learn the term ‘Projection’.

Why are they threatened?

MSM has you brainwashed.

They want you controlled.

They want you enslaved.

They want you divided.

They want you dependent!

What has the D party done for the black pop?

What has the R party done for the black pop?

What has POTUS done in 1 year?

What is the net worth of black leaders today?

Why does Pelosi mention MLK 74% of the time during weekly addresses?

MLK was a conservative.

Learn the TRUTH.

Re_read drops re: slave grip of black pop.

Why do we look at skin color?




APART, we are weak.



Anonymous ID: b74a8a April 28, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.8949958   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I did those 2 digs before you got here and did not know you were posting.

Is Max Headroom actually what you want anons to did on?

Anon recalls seeing the images but probably did not have a TV at the time. An anon who mostly stayed clear of entertainment culture and TV culture may not be well suited to analyze what Max Headroom was for.


The videos of the Max Headroom persona were modulated with horizontal interference patterns. Let me read what other anons are saying about it.

Was it to accustom people to considering a computerized image as "real"?

Were the interference patterns and distorted audio used to alter human nervous systems?


Anonymous ID: b74a8a April 28, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.8950027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't know that I agree with this. Not as phrased.

>Trust is a Mirror to Freedom.

>You start with All FREEDOMS and Zero TRUST.

>As your trust is gained/lost FREEDOMS are lost/gained.



I might be able to agree with it, if some of the terms are defined/clarified.


First, trust. Trust involves 2 parties. Party 1 trusts or mistrusts party 2, and vice versa. So in the phrase

>You start with All FREEDOMS and Zero TRUST.

"you start with" what does that mean?

Does that mean a culture or civilization starts with all freedoms and no rules, no governance?

Does it mean a person is born with total freedom and only later does the degree of freedom change for them?

What does

>You start with…Zero TRUST

mean? You trust no one? or no one trusts you?

Until these terms are clarified I cannot agree with, or dispute, these statements since I do not really understand them.

Anonymous ID: b74a8a April 28, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.8950098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0158


By naming the symbols of the various organized religions Occult1, and conflating it with symbols of freemasonry/Qabalah Occult5 and church of lucifer Occult4 and the symbol of the papacy HolySee2, are you implying that all religious organizations (and disorganizations–paganism) are all occult, in the sense of being vehicles to hide truth?


This I might tend to agree with.

Anonymous ID: b74a8a April 28, 2020, 1:49 p.m. No.8950154   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When using a looking glass device to scan possible futures, I presume something like this would occur. Assuming it is impossible to scan all possible timestreams thoroughly since outcomes are endless.


You'd focus the device on some future event or place, let's say the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, and see who's sitting there.

Then if that looks like a good timeline, you'd scan backwards along that timeline to determine what events led up to the person being in office.

You'd place newspapers or news media on the desk so headlines of the day could be scanned by other timeline spyers.


Or you could scan the halls of congress, or SOTU address or any other institution, and see what is going on. If it appears to fit with a desirable outcome, then you could scan backwards along that time line and see what events led up to it.

Then try to make those events occur.

That would be how to direct the timeline into a desirable future outcome.


My 2c, only worth the paper it's written on.